Could you talk for twenty seconds about Beyoncé? How about Botticelli? The Silence of the Lambs? Sinitta?
The Smartest Person at Bother’s Bar asks if you know a reasonable amount about a reasonable amount. Then politely ponders if you know when to shut up.
I am looking for contestants! You can find all the details right here.
Not sure how much of a game show this is, but it begins on BBC Two on April 12th at 20:00.
Yep, suspect this would count. They were asking for contestants for this ages ago.
The Amazing Dog Race?
You can sing “Do you want to win a trophy?” to the tune of “Who Wants to be a Mil-lyun-aire?”
Dabada-dabada-dabada-dummmm…. *spotlights focus on Brig*
In my head it’s to ‘Do You Wanna Build A Snowman’ because my brain is still stuck in 2013.
This was exactly my thought reading the headline!
Eh, I had “So You Wanna Be a Boxer” off Bugsy Malone in my head.
In my head, Nicholas Parsons was saying it a la “Do you want to win a mink coat, Elizabeth?”
According to The Sun (may not be reliable, but we will have to wait and see), Alexander Armstrong will be hosting Don’t Ask Me, Ask Britain for ITV.
(you will have to scroll down a bit to find this story)
Yes, I’ve gathered this (re: Armstrong) from a reliable source.
Alas, the time difference will make this unfeasible. I shall enjoy watching though, even if it’s on delay.
I’m sorry about that. But do watch on catch-up, yes!
Unfortunately it’s the only week in my schedule for the next two-three months it’s doable (I work for a university in real life and we’re about to hit exam term), and I need to keep some of my Saturday nights free in the interim. If it goes down well I hope to do it again with a bit friendlier barriers to entry at another point.