I was alerted to this this morning and my initial thought was “blimey”. It’s an episode of La Chasse aux Trésors from Lorelei in Germany recorded in 1982. The final treasure is atop a large stone building. Most people would just use the stairs. Our skyrunner, Philippe de Dieuleveult, has a better idea, one you can’t imagine even Anneka Rice would do. You can skip to about 50 minutes in.
Also quite fun is discovering in the video notes that the skyrunner for the short-lived German version, Rätselflug, was none other than German TV legend and long-running host of Wer wird Millionär? Gunther Jauch.
On unrelated news there are some rumours going around that one of the new challenges being created for the new crystal maze TV series is being based off tipping point since fizz own the rights. The only concern is can it be cleared in 3 minutes maximum
Until they start recording block one of games we won’t know if this is true
One of the famous moments of the show.
Phillipe was very athletic and daredevil, and the producers exploit his abilities to resolve enigmas in a way that doesn’t appear in international versions.
Next month in Italy:
Soliti Ignoti returns!
This is the Italian version of Identity, if you were wondering.
Appears to have a new end game where one more person is bought out and you have to guess which of the other people they have a connection with in order to take the money home.
sounds promising, even if Amadeus is going to host it.
With regard to your most recent Tweet:
Wentworth would be much better if it had an endgame of Prisoner’s Dilemma.
*reads that a few times*