Saturday, 7:15pm UK / 8:15pm Europe
ProSieben or naughty internet streaming
On the 23rd September 2006 a legendary TV event occurred.
Almost ten years later we have reached the final ever Schlag den Raab. Stefan’s going into TV retirement but he will be going with a bang and the musical acts are so secret they’re not on the website yet. But there’s still €1.5m on the line.
And again Bother’s Bar will be providing a live English commentary service throughout the evening, and during the boring bits there will probably be quizzes by TV legends David Bodycombe and Daniel Peake. And whatsmore if we keep our fingers crossed the Finnish internet will work and we’ll be joined by our old stablemate Lewis Murphy for the last hurrah. This is our 19th commentary by my reckoning, we’ve covered every episode live since November 2012 – remind yourselves of how professional we used to be.
We’re likely to be around for five or six hours so do listen in and tweet us. YOU’LL MISS IT WHEN IT’S GONE.
Here is the link to our commentary. This stream is commentary only. You will need to have a naughty stream running at the same time for the visuals. We are likely to be about 15-20 seconds behind the visual stream (and about a full minute behind if you’re watching an actual satellite feed), sorry.
This is the stream we will be watching.
You can watch live coverage behind the scenes on from 7pm.
Follow us on Twitter for immediate news if something goes wrong. Or because we’re fun guys!!!! @bothersbar, @danielpeake, @davidjbodycombe @ogbajoj
There will be a behind the scenes livestream of Schlag den Raab from 7pm/8pm Europe via the ‘Myspass’ Facebook page –
Thanks! Will add in.
And that’s all she wrote!
My thanks to David, Daniel and Lewis (and Andrew and Caroline who have stepped in on occasion in the past) for a fab three years, massive thanks to Stefan Raab for putting the show on and even more massive thanks to our viewers who made it all a bit more interesting and entertaining over Twitter.
Fear not! I’m intending on another live poll results reveal, and Bother’s Game Night will fingers crossed become a monthly/bi-monthly thing from Jan/Feb and who knows what else might be planned – so the gang isn’t splitting, keep ’em peeled!
Great figures for Raab’s last show, as to be expected:
Looking through Wiki, best numbers in about five years, significant uplift (about 50% higher than previous ep) in 18-49s. Out on a high!
You’re right. Few stats from it;
The number of 14-49 viewers last night was higher than the total number of viewers in the September 2015 show.
In terms of viewers, the highest show since 18th Sept ’10 in both total viewers & 14-49 demo.
The total audience & demo shares are the highest since Steven Gatjen’s first episode (4th Jun ’11)
This article might also be of interest –
It’s a breakdown of numbers at key-intervals (breaks, half-hours etc…). The peak was 4.98m during Blamieren oder Kassieren.
Raab’s last five minutes, 1.50-1.55am local time, were seen by 2.75m with a share of 33.8%.
They did a really good job picking the games for the last few shows, actually. Some new ones as always, but a lot more one-off games being repeated than usual, and mostly the good ones. I think Das Rad was a perfect choice for the final game in particular – when I think of iconic SdR games that weren’t quizzes or catastrophic failures (the tablecloth trick, Ringing the Bull), it’s basically that and the toaster game. But mostly they seemed to pitch the games for this episode at about the Game 4/Game 5 level, which seems about right?
I think that’s fair comment, I think we went “ooh it’s THAT one” quite positively for most of the returning games on Sunday, in fact the two duffers for me were the ice catching and the go karting in a circle ones (and even they had their moments, even if they were boring for the most part).
There are games I wouldn’t have minded seeing again, but the only really surprising omission from these last few shows was Sortieren. I get why – it basically alternated with Blamieren, which is obviously much more popular – but I would have loved to see it one final time.
Did you guys like this special format? At first I loved the idea, but then I didn’t really care about who would win, because I love Stefan Raab and I didn’t know the contestants. Overall I like the format, but I would have liked to see the best 15 losers return to play the games. Steven Gätjen wasn’t really great with the viewers (he seemed mean, but not in a funny way at least to some people) and with returning people, the audience has some kind of hero to accompany on his journey against the titan Stefan. And you could have done a bit of a look back at the entire show with bits of those contestants’ shows.
What do you think?
It sounds like the guy who won the can kicking game wasn’t popular:
To be fair, even after winning €100,000 he had a face like a slapped arse for the rest of the show. I didn’t notice any particular arrogance in his game, not being a German speaker, but even I took some dislike to him just at how he seemed to be acting afterwards.
I enjoyed the show overall, thought they spoiled Karussell-Ball a bit by having it spin so much faster than the last time we saw that game.
Social media didn’t like him all along, but they kind of hated him in the moment in which he asked for his fallen cans to be removed because “they distract him with their look”. When no one removed them he said “I can also do that myself” ran to them and kicked them away aggressively. No one really understood why he behaved that badly thus no one liked him anymore…