Unfortunately there hasn’t been a gameshow based around Star Wars as far as I know.
So here’s an episode of Channel 4’s Star Test featuring Wayne Hussey from goth rock band The Mission.
Unfortunately there hasn’t been a gameshow based around Star Wars as far as I know.
So here’s an episode of Channel 4’s Star Test featuring Wayne Hussey from goth rock band The Mission.
I would have quite liked to have found a clip of Star Games with Michael Aspel, but I think we can all agree that we must be due a remake of Star Test in the near future.
A bit of a weird moment on the finale of Survivor last night-
-with six players left, at TC after the immunity challenge there was a tie at three votes apiece between two people.
-But before the votes were revealed, both of those people played hidden immunity idols that they had, thus nullifying their votes.
-So technically there were no votes cast!
-So they had to do a revote, but now three people are immune (the original IC winner plus the two who played idols)
-There’s a tie at three votes each between two different people.
-The four players not involved in a tie are asked to discuss changing their votes to try and break the deadlock…
-If they can’t, they would then go to the “purple rock of death” random draw….
-…..but since the two involved in the tie would be immune from it, and three players were already immune, that would mean the sixth player would be eliminated automatically!
-and that sixth player almost volunteered to go, but was talked out of it!
That’s simultaneously brilliant and horrific, one for the fans, but goodness knows what anybody who tuned in because it was the final thought about it.