9 thoughts on “Happy Halloweekend!

  1. Brig Bother Post author

    Loving these eps of Box Clever. Hadn’t occurred to me before that going second meant you got three rounds of 45 seconds later on to make up for early positional deficit. Clever.

  2. Lukachkinas

    Hey, remember those Russian guys, who made fan version of “20 Question Wrong”? They continue their journey through studio game shows: just yesterday there was a premiere of the first episode of fans’ “5 Minutes to a Fortune”. On Russian. I think they did outstanding work, check it out:

  3. RoarJustice

    Having never seen Box Clever before…what the hell was that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a TV show thats aged so badly! Emlyn Hughes doesn’t strike me as a particularly good presenter either. 4 Square holds up a lot better.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      The very first episode had a rules explanation that went on for almost two and a half minutes. It’s not actually that complicated (get a question right to fill in a square, make sure you completely fill a segment or your opponents can nick it, section off enough territory to have the majority Qix style) and actually it’s a great game, but Emelyn Hughes is rubbish.

    2. Nico W.

      I genuinely love the show. Of course its bonus game is a bit dull and Emlyn Hughes is not that necessary, but the question woman is really really good (imho better than Quizonkel Jörg Pilawa, although it’s nevet been her actual job). I like the format and could imagine a modern France 3 version with some actual plastic board in the studio. I really like it!

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        Ha, nice one, I remember him hosting Corners with Sophie Aldred so the sciency stuff wouldn’t be beyond him.


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