It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
The Great British Bake Off starts tonight on BBC1 at 8pm and that means tomorrow morning we’re going to get a *rating* for The Great British Bake Off.
It’s not up against Celebrity Squares this time round so I’ve got an inkling it will do quite well.
Meanwhile Anne Hegerty has been officially unveiled as one of the Australian Chasers, in TV’s worst kept secret since Jenny Ryan was revealed as a new UK Chaser.
If they were going to get one of the British Chasers, it makes sense it’s her – the episodes airing in Australia have only just introduced Paul Sinha so he makes no sense, Mark Labbett’s busy with the US version, and… well, Shaun Wallace is black, if you follow my drift. (Don’t shoot the messenger.)
On the other hand, if Andrew O’Keefe is hosting it the show probably won’t last too long anyway.
I think it’s more down to Anne Hegerty being especially great, both in terms of the knowledge and being entertaining to watch, than anything about Paul or Shaun.
Also, Wikipedia reckons she’s 57. That’s at least a decade older than I thought!
That too, but Seven is a network not known for making competent decisions when it comes to entertainment (again, Andrew O’Keefe is hosting the thing).
9.3m! Thanks Father Ratings!
And a 43% share.
Which suggests there were 35m people *not* watching television at 8pm last night, so what are you going to do about that?
There are currently 99.7% of the population who are not eating cheese. Cheese is doomed.
1.067 (10.1%) for TX3 of Freeze Out.
So that’s the end of another one. Roll on Rebound (and Pick Me!)
Hmm, bit of a shame as I was starting to warm to it.
What would people here have done differently? The big two killers for me are the ice judge business and the rather hackneyed questions.
Is that a deliberate pun?
The middle bit of the show is fine but it’s bookended by an uninteresting first round and a final game that’s never going to give the top prize away, and seems to be surprised that viewers realise it’s never going to give the top prize away also (which is not like a house or something, it’s £10,000). If viewers think you’re wasting their time they have plenty of other options.
The ice judge business is poorly executed, take the piss out of him at the start if you like but the joke’s not getting any funnier the thirtieth time you’ve mentioned it in the same show.
‘Slide on’ remains irritating. So drop that.
Ultimately it may just come down to that just because you’ve got a giant ice table doesn’t mean anyone has to give a damn or is in itself a compelling reason to watch, although I certainly don’t see any reason not to try it out.
There has been a leak of the Bake Off Winner – so bad that they have stopped people betting on it:
Never really understand why the bookies are allowed to take bets on pre-recorded events.