Single Trouble

By | February 9, 2015

So someone at Channel 4 is getting sacked or it’s an intriguing way to try and wrestle some viewers from Tipping Point, but it sounds like someone’s put the wrong tape in and what was meant to be start of the much hyped Double Trouble week on Deal or No Deal, for Valentine’s, has been apparently replaced by a normal episode.

Amazing scenes.

tpointMEANWHILE! Hat Tip to David in the comments, this Christmas we’ve got the Tipping Point board game to look forward to! Just look at it!

And finally tonight, here’s a show you probably weren’t watching because you were probably watching Gladiators or something.

CRANK UP YOUR GRANNY! It’s Happy Families!

8 thoughts on “Single Trouble

  1. David B

    Happy Families really was such a frustrating show – it must have put BBC creativity back by several years. So many of the games were impossible to film – hence the over-reliance on graphics to explain what the bleedin’ hell is going on (“PIPE – 19 SECONDS LEAD”).

          1. Brig Bother Post author

            On paper I can see individually how the ideas might seem cool – a rollercoaster! A big mountain! Dogs! Sarah Greene! And yet it feels so dull and *a bit BBC safe* in practice.

            I dig the Terrorball music though.

      1. Mart With A Y Not An I

        Where was it filmed?
        Two clues I spotted.

        One a huge floor space and low lighting grid – with what looks like temporary lights hanging on it (as opposed to fixed lights with numbers on them, you see in proper tv studios)

        Two – load of regular freelance names in the credits (in fact a fair amount of Crystal Maze makers I spotted scrolling through).

        So, I’d guess it was either the sound stage at Shepperton where You Bet was recorded (bar the last series)

        Or Pinewood – maybe the stage they converted for TV use, where the first show to record in it was that miserable National Lottery Dream Ticket show.

  2. Brekkie

    Glad Keep it in the Family is getting a second chance though not thrilled they’re using the Nanas as a selling point. It was funny enough the first time but I think they need something to alternate with them rather than having them on every week.


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