Audience news

By | June 17, 2014

Recording soon:

  • You Against the Nation – TAKE ON THE NATION IN A QUIZ up in Salford on July 15th. Tickets Applause Store.
  • The Edge – Quiz meets bowling filming end of July at Elstree. Tickets BBC Ticket Unit.

The Money Pit (SRO) films on Thursday, the show that more people have asked me about than any other but which I know very little about. It looks like I’ve failed to get a ticket – I wasn’t going to go because of plans, the plans changed, I applied and failed, so if you do go and want to tell us what it’s like then please do, I’m happy to give you credit or keep you anonymous as you’d prefer.

5 thoughts on “Audience news

  1. Chris M. Dickson

    Unrelated but hopefully still fun.

    Have you ever tried using freebie Spotify to listen to game show theme tunes? Most of what you get are rather leaden covers of US show themes that make Jeopardy! sound particularly I’m-a-little-teapot, and every few songs you get an ad for an audiobook or a pretentious set of headphones.

    However, freebie Spotify also decides it can’t be too helpful else nobody would ever pay for it, and every few songs it throws a bit of a curveball and gives you something you didn’t ask for. Sometimes you get US sports coverage themes (not bad), sometimes you get a very long version of the Pomp and Circumstance march, once I got the Teletubbies theme (not unwelcome if you haven’t heard it for ten years), but every now and again it gives you bits of a generic game show sound effects album – sort of library music escaped into the loose, but to be played on your record player at home. Some of the brassy “wrong answer” cues are very 70s and surprisingly brutal.

    1. David B

      You could start to compile a useful tracklist for sharing.

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        Actually, if you DO want to put together a playlist Chris I might be able to embed it in a post, which might be fun.

        1. Chris M. Dickson

          If ever I learn to drive Spotify properly, and the facility is available in freebie Spotify, then perhaps I just might. (Sort of kicking myself now – I’m sure I had a “get 30 days of paid Spotify free instead of 7” e-mail at one point…)

          There is an album on there called “Classic Game Show”; the second half of the title, written in invisible writing, is “…soundalikes”. Essentially, if you wanted game show music but didn’t want to have to pay to licence any of the original tunes, this is the album for you. There is a tune that so brilliantly evokes the spirit of Jeopardy!, think music and all, that you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart if you were drunk, and still probably not if you were sober but just not paying attention. I also particularly like the goat-roping music that is really pretty obviously off-brand Family Feud after too much moonshine.


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