52 thoughts on “Only Connecting Walls

  1. NJ

    Ran into my classic OC problem playing the first wall. Spotted 2 connections but just couldn’t get the right 4.

  2. jakob1978

    Played the first 1. Got all the connections, but couldn’t identify one of the groups, so 7 points. This could be addictive 🙂

    1. jakob1978

      came totally undone on wall 2. and only got 1 group. Knew 2 of the other groups but like NJ couldn’t get the right combination

      But unless i;m doing something wrong, you don’t seem to be able to see the solved wall and then guess the connections from there, unless you get all the groups. I suppose that’s so you can replay it and give it another go.

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        Oh man, I can see most of the connections most of the time, but I can’t get the combinations right. I am uselss at Only Connect, but it’s the closest questions have to art so, you know.

        It was a bit odd that the game ended after my three strikes without the chance to give the connections.

        1. Gizensha

          I’m very slightly baffled that you can’t give connections if you get one or two rather than just all four… (though I presume the not resolving the grid if you run out of time and having a few seconds to input connections is a nod to replayability?)

          I got a 7 on Wall… 4 I think, a one and a two and none on the rest, iirc.

  3. art begotti

    Four is the only one I’ve cleared fairly easily so far. I managed to get two points on two on my first go, then had to brute-force myself through all the combinations to figure out the last two matches (final score of 7). Number one is still eating me alive.

  4. Alex

    5 was a pretty easy 10 for me.

    Getting 2s on the rest though.

  5. Chris M. Dickson

    Abandoned wall 1 without scoring after 90 seconds, 10 on wall 2, am saving the rest for later. (Is user-generated content over the horizon?) I wondered why we were given three minutes instead of two and a half as on the show, but I suppose the last half-minute is for entering the connections. (This may be explained in the instructions at which I was too arrogant to look.)

    Is the contestants leaving their seats at the end of University Challenge as rare as I think?

    1. Jennifer Turner

      The UC thing certainly struck me as highly unusual. But rather sweet. (Also, there was a distinctly old-school “trick” question toward the end which I’m having for the UKGS entry…)

      1. David B

        I loved that question. I thought you were talking about the Weaver-agitating swerve question style until I heard it.

  6. Benheath89

    I’m rubbish at Only Connect, so my scores will remain anonymous lol. I certainly like the idea though, gives us a chance to see how great/useless we really are…

  7. Des Elmes

    Well that was perhaps as dramatic an end to a UC match as one could possibly get.

    …Though if what some of the Jesus Oxford team said on LAM, in the wake of their tiebreak defeat last week, is true – that the gong actually doesn’t go of its own accord – then it was highly controversial too…

    And it is indeed highly rare to see the teams leaving their seats to congratulate and commiserate as the credits are rolling – but it was a wonderfully sporting gesture. Bit of a shame Paxo couldn’t have done what Bamber often did and got up to congratulate them himself, though.

    1. Des Elmes

      Turns out it might not have been controversial after all.

      It’s been mentioned on LAM and quizzing.co.uk that had the gong not sounded and Andrew Matheson got his answer in, apparently that answer would have been wrong.

      So Manchester would still have booked their sixth consecutive semi-final appearance…

  8. Simon

    Just realised they seem to have reused a lot of connections from previous series (which might explain how well I’m doing)

    1. David B

      They are all grids from series 1. In future weeks there will be web-only grids to try, and some extra features.

      1. Simon

        Good idea then. Reward those of us who have been watching it from the start.

        1. David B

          Actually, due to MASSIVE DEMAND, there might be some new grids up sooner than you think, so keep watching.

  9. Matt C

    1/10 on Wall 1, 10/10 on Wall 2 (in 1:38). How’s that for going for the full range of scores?

    1. Matt C

      0/10 on Wall 3, 10/10 on walls 4 and 5. I either draw a complete blank or do quite well 🙂

  10. Tom Scott

    Well, this is happily causing some trauma flashbacks. Well designed, though, good work from whichever team put the app together.

    I hacked a much more basic version of the Connecting Wall for the Hitchhikers to train on — not that it seemed to help all that much! I did consider making it public – but the effort required to clean up the code and sort out public submissions wouldn’t be worth it, particularly now there’s this far-superior version!

    (Incidentally, top marks for the elating/gelatin clue on this week’s, DB, that was a blinder.)

    1. David B

      Thanks. The trap was supposed to be “On your… uppers” but they didn’t consider that.

          1. Brig Bother Post author

            You see, I remember On the Up with Dennis Waterman, is it like that? I reckoned that would be too esoteric for Only Connect.

          2. David B

            No, ‘on your uppers’ means that you are so poor that your shoe soles have warn away completely and only the ‘uppers’ remain.

  11. David

    I thought that Undergound Lines=Snooker points question was absolutely dastardly…

    1. Alex

      Possibly my favourite question in any series. Except for ‘numbers in alphabetical order’, maybe.

      And the use of Yoshi in a clue got a quick chuckle out of my girlfriend who wasn’t watching, but found it a bit funny when I told her. Bless ‘er.

      1. Gizensha

        Mm – Thought they were going for ‘tube lines in order presented on the key,’ but the actual sequence got a chuckle out of me.

        1. Chris M. Dickson

          I was thinking it might be “in order of usage” and idly guessed Victoria = 4. That said, even that’s probably wrong; I half-remember reading that Victoria’s most-used, then the Northern.

          I would have gone for the predictive texting numbers question after clue one but got it wrong, on the grounds that I would have expected the sequence to go FOUR= , FIVE=, SIX=, SEVEN= rather than FOUR=, THREE=, TWO=, ONE=.

          1. David B

            Many of our sequences go 4, 3, 2, 1, or DCBA or similar – the final clue is usually the ‘interesting’ or logical one.

    2. Chris M. Dickson

      Incidentally, good Mr. B., you’ve said elsewhere (third down) that you and the OC question team internally rate questions in difficulty on a 1-to-5 scale. Was the “tube lines = snooker balls” question a 5, by any chance?

      1. David B

        No, it was a 4, which is usually semi final territory. There are some mighty tough sequences in the last 3 shows.

      2. art begotti

        Wait, what are we supposed to be looking at in this link?

        1. Chris M. Dickson

          Erm, nuts. I wonder what my link pointed to? (Can’t see it from here. I hope it was a very good song about Japanese railways, rather than anything more incriminating.) Try the third comment down on this link.

          I gulp at that only being a four!

  12. Jennifer Turner

    Oooh, I thought Pointless was going to be chopped down to 30 minutes… but it isn’t. Good!

    1. David B

      There is one fewer team though, and some format changes, so hopefully they’ve ironed out some of the bugs.

  13. Des Elmes

    This might seem out of place here, but here’s a good What Comes Fourth? question:

    3.1, 95, 98, ?

    1. Alex


      Though I am a Computer Science student so it’s a bit unfair.

    2. David B

      I bhad considered that but then there’s various point releases such as 3.11 and confusion between the consumer and NT kernels.

      1. Gizensha

        Especially considering they swapped the labeling of the consumer and NT kernels for ME/2k, before abandoning the consumer line and just using a stripped down version of the NT kernel for their home release product with XP

      2. Des Elmes

        Well it’s probably A Bit Too Esoteric a question anyway. 😉

  14. Jennifer Turner

    I’ve been reading the 16,000 page BBC strategic review and am a little surprised to discover that one proposed cost-cutting measure is to take the Strictly Dance Fever pages offline. Particularly as I hadn’t even realised they were still there. I wonder whether that remix-the-Fame-Academy-theme application is still up there anywhere?

      1. Alex

        Just look at the One Music logo. And then clean out your eyes.

  15. Simon

    With the BBC review recommending cutting comedy and entertainment on BBC4, let’s hope Only Connect doesn’t fall under the axe (alhough it’s probably gets categorised under intellect than entertainment)


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