Nouvelle Fort Boyard

By | June 18, 2013

I am excited I might throw up a little, the press release for the new season of Fort Boyard is up. The list of new games isn’t quite complete I don’t think (it doesn’t mention Willy’s Kitchen, Mr Boo at all) and there are likely to be new duels and Hall of Judgement games as well.

Only seven games listed, which is a bit disappointing (as ever), but at least they look quite good:

  • The Casino – players earn coins from a one-armed bandit. The trouble is whilst the bandit is on the wall at one end of the room, the handle is attached to a chair near the door which will spin for ten seconds each time it’s pulled. Between the two a narrow beam, and inevitable hilarity. Earn enough coins to win the key.
  • The Library – A redo of the Librarian’s Column – the key is in a perspex box underneath a stack of books, the column must be destroyed to get the key. But oh no! The column was also holding up a bit of ceiling which is now blocking the door. Rebuild the tower to get out. NEW FOR 2013 – it’s done on a turntable.
  • The Haunted Manor – Players search an old manor for bits of code that will unlock the box with the key in. But there are lots of surprises in store…
  • The Laundrette – Two players get in a giant washing machine. They must run to rotate the drum to build up a water level in a pipe, if the drum stops spinning the water will fall. Build it high enough to get the key.
  • Submarine Training – This looks like something directly lifted from I’m a Celeb, contestant in a tank which gradually fills up with water and eels and so on, they must use tools to open tubes which will release the code to the clue cannister. There is also an emergency button to end the game.
  • The Umbrellas – Contestants walk a tightrope whilst holding on to two umbrellas attached to their own guide ropes. For some reason.
  • The Pump – Contestant rides a bike underwater to pump air into a large pipe, when enough has been pumped the code is released.

Intriguing stuff, they are filming the UK version right now. Fort Boyard in France is set to begin on July 6th.

6 thoughts on “Nouvelle Fort Boyard

  1. Qusion

    The umbrella is a classic tool of the trade for a funambulist – clowns tend to go for them. Also, the positioning of the hand grips vs the bar should mean a bit less grabbing of the safety wire – thi can only be a good thing.

    Im particularly looking forward to Haunted Manor and Submarine Training, presumably this is the game the got the baby aligator for? Casino should be great for some comedy pratfalls. After my revelation last year that I’ve always called ‘Hazing’ Mystery Ceiling Boxes, I’m excited to havr a counterpart for ‘The Incredible Mud Wrestling Woman!’.

    Apart from any more new games, aren’t we owed one or two that never appeared last year? One with an anvil and a new variation on bungee.

  2. Qusion

    First trailer is up, nothing we didn’t know I dont think. Vaguely dull adventure ‘Catapult’ appears to be being used although, in the trailer it is shown under the caption ‘New Adventures’. Umbrellas is not played on the old tightrope as I had presumed, but lower down the fort and widthways.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Also of note:

      * The rooms for the new games look absolutely teriffic, and they’ve done up the Museum so it’s all purple.

      * I still don’t know what The Pere Fouras Show is. Presumably it’s a new adventure.


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