Poll dancing

By | January 3, 2010

The Poll of the Year 2009 is now open! Click anywhere on the header to join in, or visit the Happy Hour page.

5 thoughts on “Poll dancing

  1. Brekkie

    Such a shame you’re not dumbing down with this new look, as every year I go to vote in this, and then every year I don’t bother as it’s that bit too complicated considering my memory barely goes back 12 minutes, never mind 12 months!

    Flicking through the list though and the only show worthy of any award this (last) year is The Cube. Does The Krypton Factor count as a new show?

  2. Alex

    Au contraire. This may be the first year I don’t give doubles to best new show, because there were that many I liked.

  3. Brekkie

    I’m guessing Coach Trip is technically a game show too and I’ve put it in my golden five – but does a three year break mean it’s seen as a revival or just a new series?

    And my interpretation of the rules is US shows broadcast in the UK count in the latter category at least, so I’ve put the US version of Wipeout in there as I do think it’s the best format around at the moment, but the BBC’s version is one of the poorest interpretations, so hence doesn’t get the nod.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Yes, Coach Trip is an interesting case, although I’d question it’s a remake when it’s basically carrying on where it left off.

      Golden Fiver is meant to be UK made shows shown in the UK, I would have assumed that obvious from the context of the sites. But apparently not, so I might go and make that explicit.


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