And the winner is…

By | April 28, 2012

OK, it is time for the result of the exciting Brig Bother’s School of Hard Cash compo.

Basically there was £42.12 in change there, and most people underguessed it by loads. That means you can buy 7 entries into tomorrow night’s Bother Series of Poker event (8pm, don’t miss it).

Or at least I thought that was the case, I was a bit surprised that many entries started going into decimal figures in the bizarre idea that you could buy a part-entry into the tournament. Unfortunately, none of you smartarses have won as you all underguessed fairly significantly. And happily nobody guessed at eight. But THREE people picked seven as their answer and of those, Art Begotti was selected as the winner. Well done Art! £5.50 is on its way to you.

The point of the exercise is that the forms work, so.

3 thoughts on “And the winner is…

  1. Lewis

    If the point of the exercise was primarily to demonstrate forms, then I feel the need to quickly note that in my RSS reader, that entry didn’t appear AT ALL (not the picture, the text or the form at all). There was some tag that I forget, and at this point since the form’s been edited out, it appears as normal in RSS.

      1. art begotti

        If it helps, the page did show up in my RSS reader (I use Feedreader), although posts always show up buried beneath any new comments and tweets since the last update, so the page was titled “Brig Bother” based on his comment.


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