So, I discovered last night that Survivor: One World began last night on US telly. It’s quite sad that this was a show I used to look forward to but for whatever reason just can’t be bothered with these days. Anyway, this season’s “thing” is that both tribes live on the same beach, hopefully leading to some more exciting post-merge strategies.
Another show I used to really look forward to but now can’t be bothered with is The Amazing Race, this time starring Brendon and Rachel from Big Brother US whom I wholly predict will be no Rob and Amber, begins on Sunday night.
Just watched Survivor it has gone back to basics. Loved seeing both tribes loot the van they arrived in. Also love the hidden immunity idol twist, with them being on the same beach it could have gone either way. Lucky that it was not found by the intended tribe.
As for TAR trust me Brendon and Rachel will bring a lot to the series i have watched both US BB series with them in and they were the better for it
No one gets between me and Oman. Or the Isle of Man.
Probably the worst season opener for the amazing race since the first leg of season 15. Sigh, it’s like they’ve completely forgotten the show is about racing/travel and instead its now “go here, do task that takes the exact same amount of time as everyone else, go here, do time consuming task that won’t vary the standings much, random elimination”.
In fact the order people finished the leg in was pretty much the same as how they got off the planes.