Show discussion: One-handed Schlag den Raab

By | December 18, 2010

Well if a punter’s comment is to be believed on tonight’s final Schlag den Raab 2011 Eurovision host Stefan Raab will literally be taking on a contestant single-handedly (because he’s hurt his other one) in defence of the €1m prize.

Look out for Rock Paper Scissors as the all important game 15 if it gets that far. Inevitably.

It’s on from 7:15 UK/8:15 CET, and hopefully there will be a naughty internet stream of it somewhere.

In the meantime, in honour of the sensational super sack of German Television  Stefan Raab’s Eurovision fame let’s link to some of his finest work!

Wadde Hadde Dudde Da? (What have you got there?)

And of course he also wrote the legendary Guildo hat euch lieb! (Guildo loves you!)

Quite amazing.

125 thoughts on “Show discussion: One-handed Schlag den Raab

  1. art begotti

    It’s a football (see, I learned not to say soccer!) game, apparently. There’s a bit of turf set up inside, with a lighted box on each edge. I’m guessing it’s going to be kicking a ball to the lighted boxes in order in the fastest time. Stefan goes first, so Heiko is subjected to Outkast music in the headphones. TORTURE.

  2. art begotti

    Aw. Stefan finishes with a time of 1:57.04, rather collapsing on the last ball. Probably not good for the arm.

  3. art begotti

    Heiko seems to be better at longer shots from the center of the square, while Stefan tended to chase the ball around more.

    And with 1:54.01, Heiko wins.

    I’ve completely forgotten what the score is by now… oh, 22-6.

  4. art begotti

    The goal is apparently to get 400 kilograms of people on their scales… Golly, I hope they’re using people from the audience, this could only result in hilarity… And the camera pans around! Yes!

    1. art begotti

      Meh, I really screwed up the grammar in that last post. Disregard above.

      They’re picking people out of the audience one at a time, with the total to be revealed later, apparently.

  5. art begotti

    I didn’t notice the weights on the scales were on the background screens until the game was over, so I have no idea what the actual numbers on this one are. But Heiko won. 30-6 Heiko.

    1. art begotti

      I should mention that Heiko chose three people from the audience while Stefan chose four. Also, Heiko and Stefan were the last people to get on their scales. Guessing by the reaction, Stefan went over by putting the fourth man on.

  6. Anonymous

    I only caught Stefan’s half of this game–I was having groceries delivered during Heiko’s turn. The players had to dribble a soccer ball and pass it to the illuminated boxes. He set a time of 1:57.04 for Heiko to beat.

  7. art begotti

    Game 9 – Stimmt’s? This is a regular game, though I forget how it’s played. Is this the which-one-doesn’t-belong game?

  8. art begotti

    Heiko wins 2-4 (faults).

    So it’s now 39-6 for Heiko. Man, Raab’s in some incredible funk tonight.

  9. art begotti

    Game 10 is Kegeln, which they’ve said in English is bowling. I do like.

    They now have half-screen ads popping up during the walking-down-the-hall-to-the-next-game scenes.

  10. Marc

    Game 9 is “Stimmt’s?” “Do you agree?” The players are shown a picture and a statement relating to that picture. They must each decide whether that statement is true or false. Each incorrect answer earns him a strike. FOUR strikes, and you’re out.

    Stefan strikes out when both players disagree with the statement “Zebras are horses”, which of course is true. It’s now 39-6.

    Game 10 is Kegeln, or Bowling.

  11. art begotti

    Interesting, it appears to be nine-pin bowling, and I think it’s only the best three frames of five count. And they’re apparently both doing it southpaw again.

  12. Chris

    To make it more intresting – they have to make the greatest number from their scores – selecting which digit to put it in after each throw

  13. Marc

    It’s nine-pin bowling with a difference: Each player gets one ball per frame, and the player must place the number of pins he knocks down in each frame in one of three places (hundreds, tens and ones). Whoever has the highest score after three frames wins a point, and the first to three points wins the game.

    1. art begotti

      Okay, thanks, it all makes sense now. I had no idea why they were putting the numbers in random columns.

  14. SS

    scoring is dependent on where they place the seperate scores


    three turns per round

    they can choose where they put the scores, the first place is worth (score * 100), second: (score * 10), third (score * 1)

    first round eg went to heiko:


    second and third to stefan

    1. SS


      after 1st turn:

      after 2nd turn:


      after 3rd turn


      Anyway, ? was more than 2, stefan won

      1. art begotti

        Hm, it’s a shame Heiko put his six at the end, because he could have won that set. (Stefan rolled a six on his last ball.)

  15. art begotti

    So game 11 is Wo Liegt Was, which I’m guessing is “where is this?”

  16. SS

    That game, Kegeln, barely made sense, even though I understand German (ofcourse, I might also be drunk).

    1. SS

      There was also a joke which irritated Raab (“Ach halt doch die Klappe”); the commentator wondered if he had really only fallen on his wrist (when he didn’t know what to do after his first turn).

  17. Marc

    Game 11 is “Wo Liegt Was?” “Where is What?” Both players are asked a question about where in Germany something is, and must guess where it is by touching it on a touchscreen map. Whoever is closer wins a point. First to five wins.

  18. art begotti

    Stepped away from the keyboard to wrap presents, since it’s not a very active game. Stefan won 5-3, I think. 39-27, still in Heiko’s favor.

  19. art begotti

    Game 12 is Dosenwerfen, Can Throwing. Two pyramids of 28 cans on two podiums, like the carnival game. It seems they’re really trying to milk the non-dominant-hand games in lieu of greater physical activity.

  20. art begotti

    Feed sputtering for anyone else, or is it just my connection going crazy?

    1. SS

      I’m watching a stream with no sputtering, but even though it works for me, it’s closed down…

  21. David

    Heiko wins barely (Stephan had 1 can left)- Matchball for Heiko at game 13..

  22. art begotti

    Okay, came back. Heiko takes down the last can on what I think was his last ball, making the score now 51-27.


    Game 13, Wer Weiss Mer? Apparently of Wer Weiss Mehr, who knows more?

  23. art begotti

    Oh hey, it’s German Panic Attack! Sort of. Or whatever other name-things-in-a-category game you can think of.

  24. art begotti

    I can’t tell if they’re looking at a list of choices, but there’s a category with a certain number of answers, and they’re trying to guess things that fit in the category. Thirty seconds to produce an answer, then play passes to your opponent. A wrong answer or running out of time gives the point to your opponent. First to five.

  25. David

    This one might take a bit- the 2nd question has like 40 possible answers…

  26. art begotti

    Heh. On the second list, with 40 possible answers, Stefan screws up on his first guess.

    1. SS

      He said Germany when the question was something like: which countries have (currently) the same time as Germany

  27. art begotti

    Tense finish to that list. With 16 out of 20 items already named, Stefan almost looks like he’s trembling to come up with an answer before time runs out. He blurts out something, but it’s wrong. 3-0 Heiko.

  28. art begotti

    I just noticed that all the answers are in alphabetical order. Surely that could act as a hint of some sort?

    1. art begotti

      Stefan has a reputation for blowing it on the maths questions, doesn’t he?

  29. art begotti

    Is it just me, or did “One Moment in Time” seem sorta dull this time around? Less action-based games make for less exciting footage, I guess.

    1. Travis P

      It’s not often they actually played the whole song with the montage. Previous editions have had it cut off towards the end.

      1. art begotti

        I thought they usually played through the whole thing on Schlag den Raab, but always cut it off in Schlag den Star.

        1. Travis P

          They always did that in Schlag den Star but I notice in recent editions they didn’t let Whitney and the montage end together.


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