Life’s Game

By | March 18, 2025

Whilst we wait with bated breath for Genius Game to land, it transpires there’s a corporate knock-off currently being uploaded to Youtube and it’s… pretty good? Life’s Game is LG Electronics’ very own take on the The Genius brain-survival genre, in it, 12 LG employees compete in games of strategy and intelligences social and logical set by a man with a key for an eye for some reason. Ultimate winner takes home 10m Won (just over £5,000). They’ve set it in various offices around one of their main buildings, so it doesn’t have the glamour of its inspo, but it hits a lot of the other beats – perhaps the rules explanations need to be tighter and really 2×45 minute eps for a cycle is a bit lengthier than you’d like, but they’re good games in the main and it’s got decently fun reveals. Because the winner of each game gets more power over who to send home, ahem, there’s a bit more emphasis on kingmaking and not being on the wrong side of a divide and we’ll have to see how that develops going forward.

First four episodes are up, we’re probably due the next in a few days – it seems to be on a twice a week cycle. Would recommend watching on a computer or a TV over a tablet or phone as it uses Youtube’s captionings for English subs, and there’s a risk they’ll go over the explanation graphics on smaller screens. We are casually following it in #geniuschat on the Discord at the moment (well I am anyway).

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