This looks like it might be quite fun, Million Dollar Secret coming to Netflix from March 23rd sees twelve people rock up at an estate, each one given a box – 11 are empty, one contains a million dollars which they can keep if they can keep it a secret. So far, so Fortune Hotel. Different is that there are challenges that, if completed, give away clues to the identity of the fortune holder (which they can sabotage), and there will be vote eliminations throughout, presumably the money gets reallocated if the holder of the million dollar box is eliminated. Trailer looks like lots of over-emoting Americans, but Serofinowicz under-cutting that by playing the host role amusingly seriously. Challenges look big scale.
My issue with ‘clues to an identity of a player’ formats is that you can never tell going in how well they’ve been calibrated – how well you do is only so much in your own hands, whether you win or lose is entirely down to how generous and cryptic (or not) the producers are and how satisfying (or not) a solve is. Still, though.
A part of my childhood has just died with Henry Kelly.
Interesting to learn that he nearly didn’t attend the GFG hosting audition. Safe to say that had he stuck to his plan to play golf that day, daytime BBC1 from the late ’80s to the mid ’90s would have been considerably different…
And obviously, one wonders who would have gotten the gig instead, and if GFG would have lasted as long as it did with that host. (It was felt that someone with a strong accent would be better understood by the continental contestants – so if Henry, who most certainly did have a strong accent, had said no, could it have been Eamonn Holmes asking “Who am I?” instead?)
Okay, this actually sounds really interesting, I will be adding this to my list!!
Looks like it’d have been even more fun if Serafinowicz had been in character as either Brian Butterfield or The Tick.