Find them in a wordsearch, before they find you.

By | August 2, 2023

Studio Lambert have just announced the OFFICIAL Traitors Puzzle book.

There’s an Amazon listing for a Traitors puzzle book, although it looks a bit different and the dates are all over the place so buyer beware. Edit Edit Edit: This one looks much better.

Edit: I don’t know when this came out but there’s already a new edition of the card game with some digital implementation.

Edit Edit: And here’s the board game out August 10th. Looks like a straight reskinning of an existing foreign version, which probably explains the prisoner’s dilemma endgame we have here.

One thought on “Find them in a wordsearch, before they find you.

  1. Brig Bother Post author

    Oh! I’ve just noticed the The Traitors book is Alan Connor, off of Only Connect, House of Games and The Word.


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