By | July 17, 2023

Don’t worry I’m not dead or anything, I’ve been looking after family for the last week or so I’ve been away from the SCENE but don’t worry I’m back now.

I don’t know if I’ve missed anything big format wise, but if you liked Voyager at Eurovision, the Australian one, their new album came out on Friday if that is your wont.

I’ve started watching Aussie Traitors on iPlayer, they should do a version with 24 psychics.

Great news: Moneyball is back on Saturday!!! At 8pm as well, what confidence.

Edit: And of course Quizzy Mondays is/are back on BBC2 tonight! It feels too early.

3 thoughts on “AFK

  1. Greg

    Glad to see Australian reality shows getting some love here in the UK. Apprentice, Survivor, Traitors. Hopefully somebody picks up Million Dollar Island. It’s not without its issues but on the whole is an entertaining watch. It’s been very well cast as quitters play a big part so they have clearly cast some who will quit with this in mind. It’s 70% Survivor and 30% The Challenge with a giant wheel. Ant is actually a decent host and would have been a good choice for Survivor UK.

    1. Brekkie

      Did the UK version of Million Dollar Flop get canned too when it flopped in the Netherlands. I assume if E4 hadn’t then they probably have with the more recent commissioning chaos.

  2. Des Elmes

    “Quizzy Mondays is/are back on BBC2! It feels too early.”

    Well, UC is back to its traditional July start after starting at the end of August last year, and OC has had several July starts in the BBC2 era.

    Mind you, it’s only seven weeks since the last series of UC ended – shortest time between series in the Beeb era, I believe.

    Just about everyone has noticed that Amol is asking the questions off a screen. How many shows are left now that still use cards?


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