Muscles and Mayhem

By | June 29, 2023

New Netflix five part documentary series on American Gladiators “dropped” yesterday. I’ve only watched the first episode so far but it’s great fun, lots of clips from the pilot which looked hysterically awful (grabbing things from a trampoline a Gladiator was bouncing on), loads of interviews with the original Glads and TV people and the like. Should be a good series – episodes are 35-45m long so you could probably binge the lot in an evening if that it your wont. One thing that the UK Gladpod has showed up in recent years is that old Glads have great stories to tell so it’s fun that we’re getting them from the American Glads as well now.

I’ve not seen the recent ESPN 30 for 30 to compare it to so I don’t know how much new ground it’ll be breaking. Still, though.

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