Stool Pigeon February 2023 – The Results

By | February 8, 2023

As ever, we can’t vouch for truth or accuracy but we try and weedle out the clearly untrue ones, the unfunny ones, the crap ones, and hopefully we’re left with some stuff that has a grain of truth in it or is at least quite interesting. Alright, eyes down look in.

Reports of Squid Game carnage have been vastly exaggerated. It’s four *minor* injuries from a cast of over 450, statistically it’s safer than Bake Off.

To be honest, we’re hoping for a Quiz style drama based on The Making Of Squid Game: The Challenge – can someone get us footage of Michael Sheen acting as Stephen Lambert saying “I’M GOING TO REDEFINE THE GAMESHOW GENRE!” Thanks.

Whether or not four injuries is an acceptable amount, I’m not sure choosing to illustrate the point comparing it with a show that’s at least guaranteed to feed its contestants properly was the cleverest choice, but there we are.

Nothing confirmed yet, but they are attempting a new pilot of “I Literally Just Told You” in the USA with Jimmy Carr for Comedy Central aka Paramount Plus.

I don’t know if this is true but it certainly sounds plausable.

One Question has been renewed for a second season, but season 2 will be more aligned with the ‘original concept of the show’ (no clue what that means though)

Hmm. Given we were a bit worried when we first heard about the original concept I’m not sure how good an idea that is, but I also don’t know how good an idea that is.

A few months ago, a runthrough was stopped abruptly when a contestant stopped an enormous, unfixable flaw in a format that somehow nobody had noticed up that that point. All that work gone down the drain, we all felt so stupid.

This is obviously like moth to a flame for me, but really it is also only half a story. Do send us more tales of formats that completely broke in the runthrough, I can’t get enough of them.

Sitting On A Fortune coming in the Spring. Moneyball in Summer.

It’s almost been so long since the first series of Moneyball they could almost get away with calling it a reboot.

Moneybags was cancelled for a very specific reason, as will become evident soonish.

Expect a Chaser refresh after the next 100 episode record.

Oooh. Are Channel 4 going to start doing a magazine show at 5pm? Primetime version of Moneybags? None of the above? Chaser refresh – some moving on, some new blood? It’s not *normally* a good sign but I don’t know. I really think ITV might be overplaying their hand re: Deal or No Deal, but we’ll see.

Virgin Media Television in Ireland are currently casting for what sounds like a hybrid of Love Island and the already-forgotten Davina McCall vehicle The Language of Love. Hopefuls will aim to find love on an Irish beach whilst also trying to improve their grasp of the Irish language. Will be filmed in a Gaeltacht (Irish language speaking areas) region. Working title is Grá ar an Trá (Love on the Beach).

Something like this might be quite a good way for the regions to fill some quota time, or at least it would be if anyone watched The Language of Love.

get ready to see a pilot in the works for the new daytime quizzer, “Switch”. Yes, the one on Game Show Network in the States. Yes, we just had a game show called switch.

Where would it go, though?

The Masked Dancer is doomed. Not returning this year some people think.

I’m just printing this because it suits my confirmation bias.

Well there we are.

15 thoughts on “Stool Pigeon February 2023 – The Results

  1. David L

    So, Craig Charles is becoming a Chaser? Should be interesting but I’m not sure what his quiz pedigree is. Just stunt casting?

    1. Philip

      This is a bit puzzling, Does this mean that it’s possible that we could be losing a few chasers this year? I wonder who people think could be in danger.

      1. Alex Blundy

        Though it will be very sad, it may seem Paul packs his bags before we know it – Parkinson’s ever-developing, he seemed very slow and not quite ‘right’ on Monday. Perhaps leeway for a younger Chaser?

        1. Brekkie

          That speculation wasn’t true when Darragh joined in 2020 and no evidence it is true now. It’s somewhat unfair on Paul, but get that it generally comes from both a place of concern and a feeling that the show really doesn’t need to add anyone unless anyone is going. I’d even say now unless two Chasers quit there is no need to top up – indeed Darragh has been there three years now and I can still count on two hands the number of times I’ve caught an episode with him.

          Will say though although the two comments are supposedly not linked if the refresh at The Chase was Bradley moving on then Craig Charles would be a very good replacement.

      2. Henry R

        Maybe Paul (stepping aside due to his health?) and perhaps Shaun?

        I know Mark has been outspoken a few times on Twitter towards producers on the show. Maybe he knows something?

        Jenny and Darragh are great additions and have injected some new life into it. Certainly helped me watch it more as I was getting bored.

  2. Whoknows

    To be honest I took that to mean some sort of negative story about Moneybags is about to come out and the Chase thing is completely separate? But no doubt I’m completely wrong.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      No you are right, they’re two different things sent in the same message. I’ve tried putting them on seperate lines to make it clearer, unfortunately the block quote in this setup doesn’t like paragraph breaks, apparently.

      1. David L

        But they are in the same box.

        What does that mean, that both were submitted by the same person?

  3. Greg

    Not seen it mentioned anywhere but The Challenge UK starts next Monday 23:05 on Channel 5. Only 5 episodes which will all air next week.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Only five episodes? Blimey.

      Edit: I wonder if this was originally 10 episodes and they’re going to have to absolutely butcher it to fit.

  4. Jon

    In that case can’t see any reason why another company won’t pick up the rights to the show. The assets will be sold off and presumably if Channel 4 were planning to commission anymore they’d be happy to from whichever production company.

    1. David L

      Is the reason Moneybags isn’t coming back because Youngest Media has ceased to be or is Youngest Media closing because Moneybags isn’t coming back?

      They said “a few key decisions on shows didn’t go our way” which could mean Channel 4 didn’t want any more.


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