Saturday, 5:30pm,
It’s another reboot, this time of a show ITV only axed about three years ago, Ninja Warrior IS BACK and now contestants have to do courses racing against the resident gladiators ninjas in a format point that’s been lifted from various international versions of the show. There’s definitely going to be a male and female winner, does this mean they’re just going to keep letting the best performers through to the next round even though they don’t finish the course so they can have a Mount Midoriyama head-to-head?
We’ve never been a massive fan of the international formatting of the show, much preferring the sense-making Japanese original’s simple “complete the course in the time or sod off” idea so we’re intrigued to see what, if anything, the race element is going to add to proceedings.
Let us know what you think in the comments.
I personally would’ve done away with the “House Ninjas” stuff, and just introduced the “Power Tower” round from US version, in order to win a “safety Pass” for the final.
Show me you want to commission The Titan Games without actually commissioning The Titan Games.
Ninja vs Ninja always feels antithetical to the actual format of the show, which is meant to be all parties against the course. The problem is, rightly or wrongly, people think long format series need to end in a definitive winner, so you end up with this stuff.
Ninja Warrior is always going to be a spectacle, but that didn’t feel like NW+ so much as NW-: minus the plucky underdogs and the ability to follow the action as you’re not sure where to focus when the competitors are apart. You’d rather just want to watch the elites compete.
When the two ladies both failed the qualifier course I’m not quite sure why they thought they’d be any tension in announcing a winner as it’s quite clear neither of them would Beat the Elite later.
I will suggest that having two different courses effectively combining Stage 1 and Stage 2 in an episode is a good move.
It’s quite sad seeing Chris Kamara not at his best.
I really enjoyed this. Much more exciting seeing contestants racing rather than just one contestent doing the same obstacles over and over. I don’t know why we need contestent Twitter handles now but ok….
Also when they race the ninjas in round 2 the ninjas should have had cool ninja costumes and superhero names. I am sure it does not strike fear in anybody hearing and here is the ninja you are facing it’s Lynn.
2.2 Million for yesterday’s show
Found this really poor. Gone from up to 50 runs an episode to 5 and the elite Ninja twist was completely pointless as nothing is on the line – the “furthest fastest” go through regardless.
The original format was much more fun to watch, feels slow and less exciting.
So many TVs of contestants. Bad move.
Thinkbox reporting 1,475 Million for Saturday 24th September ‘s show.