Having joked that after the last two editions going for about £30, Microids will probably charge £30 for the recent DLC update for Bother’s Bar tolerated Escape Game Fort Boyard I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Toujours Plus Fort! update costs just £1.69, which for some pretty good updates and five (count ’em) new games is actually pretty reasonable. Decent even.
There are some nice Quality of Life updates to go alongside the new games – most recent Boyard-esque font used in the menus, you can actually choose your team name now from the options provided (which the team will shout out, come on THE SPIDERS OF THE APOCALYPSE) some windowed shot in shot of the team offering advice, Pere, sorry, Sir Fouras, Rouge and Blanche are all fully voiced, Passe Partout now does the signalling how many keys you’ve got with his fingers – basically if this was what was released first time round you’d still think it a bit crap (albeit more fully featured crap), but if you like the show you’d appreciate the level of basic fan service. Probably ought to swap out Mister Boo for Big Boo these days though.
As for the new games: From the Earth To The Moon doesn’t use its music, which is a pity, first two attempts I nailed it first try, couldn’t do it third time. Water Jets is hard, Arm Wrestling pretty easy, Turbo Basket OK. Shapes is probably the most successful one, being a pretty good strategy duel.
For clarity, it looks like the boxed game (certainly in France) is going by the Toujours Plus Fort! edition, but here in the UK it’s just going with “New edition”. If they kept releasing sets of games regularly at that price I’d pretty much be forced to buy them.