There will be a separate post for Hive Minds tomorrow, but feel free to have a general discussion post for the plethora of new old quizzes starting today.
There will be a separate post for Hive Minds tomorrow, but feel free to have a general discussion post for the plethora of new old quizzes starting today.
My thoughts are with Mr Weaver today as he basically becomes the victim of a quiz avalanche all over his free time. Good luck sir!
security guard and Avanti Un Altro! character Girolamo “Big Jimmy” Di Stolfo died of a brain aneurysm at the age of 48.
Yes I saw that on my timeline, very sad.
Playing Balloon Fight before the quizzing today in honour of Iwata’s passing, so sad.
They’ve changed some of the graphics on Only Connect and given Victoria a podium fir the Connecting Wall. Controversial.
The former is to take advantage of the widescreen age, and the latter was more for practical reasons than production ones.
Hmm, not a fan of the new grammaphone symbol instead of the trebleclef for OC music question. Yet to win me over.
Hoping it’s a different type of audio decide every week haha
Yeah, that joke’s going to wear thin quite quickly :/