Labyrinth Lab: Pen-damonioum

By | October 18, 2013

Want to try out a future format? David Bodycombe is BACK:


Many thanks to everyone who took part in the first, very successful “Labyrinth Lab” – a series of new formats being tested by Labyrinth Games Ltd via the internet.

Our second run-through will take place on MONDAY 28th OCTOBER, from 9pm until a maximum of 11.30pm. (As a guide, our first show finished at 10.45.)

The show is called PEN-DAMONIUM and it’s a drawing game. As such, you will require a decent input device on your computer (e.g. mouse, track pad, drawing tablet etc.). Something like a laptop’s “pointing stick” wouldn’t be good enough.

To apply, you must:

– be able to commit to the date/time. Dropouts will cause problems.
– be over 18
– play from the UK
– not be an employee of a TV production company
– have a stable broadband connection (5Mb+ or thereabouts)
– have a webcam, and be prepared to appear ‘on screen’

The following are helpful:

– a headset (with microphone), or otherwise some headphones
– a second screen, or the ability to flip between two windows easily.

£30 will be paid to every contestant, with a further £10 bonus to members of the winning team.

The finished programme may be put online in the future.

TO APPLY: Send an email to with “GAME 2” as your subject heading. In the main body, state your full name, age, usual location, any quiz experience (TV or otherwise) and a couple of sentences about your background.

Sorry, but we can’t guarantee replies for unsuccessful applicants, but we will try to update this advert once all the places are filled. Everyone, successful or not, is welcome to reapply for future shows. Details of upcoming formats will be posted on Bother’s Bar in due course.

Thanks for reading.

David J. Bodycombe
Labyrinth Games Ltd.

The first one, Windfall, seemed to go down well and I’m informed there may be an edit going up soon.

I wonder what happened to Draw It?

In other news, BBC4 trialling three new shows to replace Only Connect when it moves to BBC2 next year: The Knowledge (BBC in-house), Enigma (Parasol, who make OC) and Eliminate the Impossible (Victory Television).

21 thoughts on “Labyrinth Lab: Pen-damonioum

  1. Nico W.

    Exciting news from Germany: Brainpool (it’s yet unsure if Raab will be part of this show however) has a new format: The Millionaire-Election (Die Millionärswahl). Everyone can sign up to be a candidate and make a profile on the website ( There will be 3 Main Phases: Phase 1: Sign up (and create a great profile with videos and pictures so that everyone wants to vote for you). Phase 2: 4 weeks of Election-Sundays. Every sunday (mostly in november) there will be a vote where all the candidates may vote for one other candidate. They have to vote and can’t vote for themselves. After the first week 49,000 people will be left, after the second one 4,900 people, after the third one 490 and after the last one 49 people who will get to… Phase 3: The televised Phase. In each of the seven shows 7 candidates will present themselves and the candidates on the internet and the viewers at home may vote for them. The most beloved one will get to the finale. In the finale 7 people will once again present themselves and one will be the “first democratically voted millionaire”.
    Yet it is unsure, who will host it and how the live shows will be exactly. The entire thing started yesterday with 30 days to sign up. It seems there are already quiet some people singed up (there aren’t 49,000 people yet by far, but in the conditions to sign up, they say, if there aren’t 49,000 people, everyone will survive anyway. It doesn’t seem they really think, they could get that many people to sign up). Im curious how this “Social Game Show” as they called it, will turn out. I have a feeling the live shows are too many and won’t get big ratings, but as I currently don’t live in Germany, I don’t know how much advertising there is. At least I have signed uü since you can’t lose anything and it’s quiet a nice sum of money. I think many will sign up but few will play. By the way it’s a production for Prosieben (as usuals for Brainpool).

  2. David B

    Hi folks, we’re still casting for next Monday’s show. However, time is marching on so if you’re interested, please get in touch soon.

    You don’t need any great artistic talent. If you’ve played the old iSketch game or even Windows Paint (or Mac equivalent), you’ll be fine.

    If you’re still thinking it over but have some concerns, please post them here or address them to me directly via the email address given above.

    1. Andrew 'Kesh' Sullivan

      I’m interested in doing it, I’m just worried about having another technical hitch like I did with Windfall, causing me to not be able to take part.

      I sent an email to you, but if you want me to put my credentials down again, I will do.

      1. David B

        This one uses a completely different ‘collaboration’ system that doesn’t require much of a download, so I’m fairly confident it’ll work.

  3. David B

    Folks, we’re still several places short of getting the coming Monday’s show off the ground. That would be a real shame, given how well the first one went, and would also probably put paid to further formats being experimented here.

    To allay any fears you might have, I’ve uploaded a video of Game 1 (Windfall) which will be up for a limited time:

    If you can help out, please get in touch asap. Many thanks.

    1. Andrew 'Kesh' Sullivan

      I’ve already sent you an email with my details again, I’ve not heard anything back as to whether I’m on or not

    2. Chris M. Dickson

      I love the principal of it, and am not on shift that night, but do not meet the tech requirements, sadly.

    3. Chris M. Dickson

      I love the principle of it, and am not on shift that night, but do not meet the tech requirements, sadly.

      (Aaaagh principle/principal word brain fart, ESCAPE ESCAPE ESCAPE and hope the wrong one hasn’t gone through)

    4. Alex

      If I’m doing this I will be rushing back from a Halloween party so there’s a very high chance that I might be still dressed up whilst I do this. It depends on how well the buses play ball. Still, though, let’s see what happens.

  4. Delano

    A bit off-topic:

    12 Yard comes up with a second Eggheads spin-off, provisionally called “Revenge of the Egghead” and co-starring CJ De Mooi.

  5. David B

    Unfortunately, due to lack of participants we’ve had to cancel Labyrinth Lab #2, and possibly also all future format tests. My apologies to those who applied – I have replied in person.

    If you’re reading this, I’d be grateful if you could take 20 seconds to reply to this message saying why you didn’t apply. Some possible reasons are listed here for quick reference – please mention all that apply:

    1) Monday wasn’t a good day for me
    2) The time was too late
    3) I didn’t fancy trying out a drawing game; prefer quizzes
    4) I don’t have a webcam
    5) I have a webcam but don’t want to appear on-screen
    6) I don’t have a good enough internet connection
    7) The money wasn’t enough
    8) I don’t think I’d be good enough
    Other) Add further details

    1. Steven

      That’s a shame, I only just watched Windfall, and really enjoyed it.

      The drawing aspect attracted me actually, but 5 and 6 are probably the biggest factors swaying me from taking part.

      All the best with it, hope you can push on.

    2. Andrew 'Kesh' Sullivan

      My main reason for hesitation would be reason 8, and reason 6 as explained in a previous post, since my rather lacklustre internet connection caused me to be kicked out of doing Windfall but I bit the bullet and applied, hoping that my participation would get us closer to the quota needed, but sadly, it wasn’t the case.

      It’s a real shame that not enough people signed up to it, considering that Windfall was such a success, so for the Lab to close its doors after only one game is very disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing what other formats David had up his sleeve 🙁

    3. Simon

      I’d have like to have helped but

      1) Monday wasn’t a good day for me
      4) I don’t have a webcam
      6) I don’t have a good enough internet connection

    4. Chris M. Dickson

      This house has three unreliable old laptops that are all powered by steam rather than electricity. Two of them have webcams, of which one has an internal mic, and of which zero have reliable video cards. Also I own no headphones other than earbuds. My broadband connection is great though.

    5. Dave

      For me, this was 3)and a bit of a concern about 6).

      I enjoyed taking part in Windfall and was looking forward to future episodes (I’ve even got my webcam back working again!). I’d be sad to see the whole project finish so soon.

  6. MrQuizWorthing

    I had a prior event on the evening so couldn’t make it. Really hope it is not the last of these especially after Windfall was such an enjoyable format to play.

  7. Michelle M

    6) My high speed fibre broadband must be the most unreliable in the country, on or off and not much in between.

    Also running low on spare time so would prefer to spend a free evening editing the next one!
    I think would be a real shame to give up however, especially if the hardest work’s been done already.


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