Saturdays, 19:45 UK time,
France 2 or naughty internet streaming
Ah! It’s back.
It’s funny to think we’ve gone from jumped-up outward bound centre to fully fledged fairy-tale-esque direction in the last few years, but if you can’t have an element of other-worldyness in a castle in the middle of the ocean where can you have it? The big difference between the direction of the show 15-20 years ago and now is that it’s a much more knowing postmodern take – this year we have the Pere Fouras Show (a gameshow within a gameshow with Rocky Horror stylings – META) and characters played by actual proper celebrities who have been previous contestants.
The new games look good – there’s a definite air of Wipeout-esque slapstick to many of the new key games – if last year was the year of the menotte, this year’s big game mechanic is turntables and things that spin. Looks like the council is now three games played for 10, 20 and 30 seconds for a possible four minutes in the treasure room, I think there’s less chance of something stupid like the fifteen minute segment leading to a five second final difference like last year, and even breaking even should feel like an event.
I hope they’ve sorted their music out. We want TUNES!
The UK kids version will air later in the year.
After the Koh-Lanta affair earlier in the year, Adventure Line probably need this to be a success more than ever. It’s also the first post-Antoine season of the show as well.
Surströmming…? Oh lawd…
Something tells me that’s the closest Willy will come to serving actual food.
Did you ever hear about Dalli Dalli? A Germany gameshow back in the 70s, that was revived some years ago and is all about language and it’s very funny. Today they show a special episode that is 2 hours long for all the people who don’t want a lot of adventure thus don’t want to watch Fort Boyard (it’s on at 20:15 German time on NDR). It’s followed by the German “Chase”, which is not perfect, but quiet good anyway.
Looking forward to this series of Fort Boyard. Hopeing for the return of the tunes as well for the clue games. That heart beat is really annoying.
On the France 2 site now is a recipe involving surstromming.
So overall thoughts on Episode 1.
Key games look nice. There now a new “Pre game” theme for each game. They also have rules to explain some games. New 20 Second Clock.
Only thing im not really liking is the fact were back down to 12 chances for 7 keys rather than 14.
Clue games are good. Nice to see some music return to them. The heartbeat is still there however.
Council. 10 – 20 – 30 seconds. And a new speical twist which was intresting and a game changer.
Treasure Room. Being Fussy. the floor doesnt have its usual Fort Boyard in the Middle.
Next week. Library and big circle game.
Mmm. Mmm.
I really like the new presentation and graphics. Not really sure the pre-game demonstrations are really necessary. Quite enjoyed the Chart Show style facts that accompanied each of the games – not a show that shies away from its history!
I do like the new games though which feel less underwhelming than last year – the laundrette mainly works because it’s really hard with two players (it’s a shame it seems to me that there’s quite clearly a man controlling the arrow). Pere Fouras Show and Willy’s Restaurant were fun diversions. Submarine Training could have come straight out of I’m a Celebrity, and had an excellent pay off, the Pump was neatly whimsical, the Fort’s very own fountain.
Pretty sure Pied Marin seemed less cluttered than previous, and the perculator turntable was slow as anything. I notice they’ve put a new lip on the tank in the cold room to force people to properly get in!
Like last year the Council is this year’s big winner, if the new council games last year were fun, this year it feels relevant – I like the chance to buy prisoners out at 15 seconds a pop although it’s a no brainer, at least once again we have cause and effect and jeopardy, and with 10-30 seconds on the line for each game the stakes feel agreeably important and at three games doesn’t outstay its welcome. I still believe they ought to have a system where prisoners taken during the key collection get a delayed sentence so they still get to do nasty things for clues.
The team totally messed up their gold collecting strategy. New scales and counter display look pretty, although I think I miss the implication that it’s bagged up and taken away.
New music isn’t hateful, still lacks killer hook but at least it isn’t overblown and fits thematically.
Solid start. It doesn’t do the same things for me it did 15-20 years ago (I think these days it feels a bit too slick and produced and I miss the days where the direction felt a bit rawer) but there aren’t many shows that have reached 24 seasons where I’m still interested in what they’re up to.
Won its slot with 3.3m last night. So there we are.
Watched it, liked it. Looks like next week Willy serves maggot cheese (or, at least, eventually)
I’ve seen that in a documentary. Interrsting that they’re going for genuine disgusting delicacies. – Yup. Cazu marzu.
Loved it and was irritated by it in equal measure as it happens. On the whole I loved the presentation, although I wish the music were a little louder and the team a little quieter. I like the fact that Chef Willy got an introductory piece before his game. I’m generally in favour of the game introductions both for the viewer, and for the player – more action, less titting around.
Love most of the games as always, it looks like the difficulty has been toned down a little bit on a couple of key games, possibly in exchange for the lower number of games as noted above. The theming is more or less across all games now and the game feels better for it. It almost feels a little ‘The Door’ like to have all these mysterious doors leading to little self-contained worlds.
I must note here that I am fed up of code boxes on practically every game, it adds nothing whatsoever to most games. Sure, some games it serves a purpose like brancard and rocket man, but for the most part – just let people grab the key or canister already!
In terms of the new games I liked Willy’s Kitchen, although surely this should be a clue game?! The Laundrette was comedy gold, especially as it followed a minimum of falling over on the treadmill. Pere Fouras Show probably needs a bit of fine tuning as it didn’t quite work for me, although as you know I don’t actually speak French so it was a bit lost in translation. It adds a nice circular reference between FB and Crystal Maze of course. Great addition to the cold room by the way, I hate to see games played other than in the spirit of the game.
The council works, after all these years they’ve found a format that has an effect on proceedings without shoving people down holes or navigating random corridors. Don’t get me started on jigsaw-pick-a-box.
There were down points, some new additions just looked cheap, really cheap. The wheels on Submarine Training for example, why aren’t they hidden, who isn’t this game built into a wall, in a room or somewhere better than shoved in a corner? The dial in the laundry doesn’t mean anything and just looks tacky. The bicycle pedals in pump looks like bits of MDF and the new platform before the steps in the treasure rooms look like wood painted to look like stone. Those steps seem to change very season.
The water in Submarine Training needs to be clear, as I have no idea what the contestant was doing in there. Either the lady playing was very poor at underwater cycling or the pump is not connected to the fountain at all.
Overall I agree with Brig, although I’ve watched a lot fewer than the 23 previous series but It’s still must-watch TV for me, and there’s precious little these days that gets me so enthusiastic.
Goodness yes, the codeboxes add literally nothing except ten seconds of faff, and lack the visceral nature of just grabbing a key or clue cannister – really wish they’d replace with something else (Whoever thought someone fiddling with a combination lock made for great television… well they were wrong). It is not like many of the games pre-2003 had a payoff that just involved reading the clueword out after all.
The dial in the laundrette did have a point, once it reached past halfway the water started filling up the key tube and soap suds entered the drum and if they stop running then it resets, but to me it didn’t really look like it was something automatic done by rotating the drum as it was someone guessing at if the drum was moving fast enough.
I am very much looking forward to the other new games.
In my opinion the clue boxes should be used because in some clue games there is no where safe to put the clue to allow it to expload. I do think however tho games such as Cloche, Echelle de Corde should not use the Clue Boxes. I actually found it quite funny to watch them win Rocket Man with 1 second remaining to it cut to the key being burnt.
This was not a problem years ago, why should it be now?
Wasnt it introduced to give a fairer stand on the Duel version in 2010. So like one team didnt have to unhook a canister and anouther had to get a code and then unlock a box? Like cloche was made to have a code then a box. As was Fumalbule
But there are no duels in the French version.
Yea granted. But they cant exactly stick a key or a clue canister into the balloon of rocket man.
Although Granted. They could make a game where u have to pop the balloon first then reach for the clue before it exploads.
The only games that really require the code boxes are the creature ones. Games like Rocketman where you could place the cannister in the ballon, cold room, shrinking cell ect don’t require the pointless codes. – Preview of Tête Chercheuse. Not only do they seem to be continuing the trend of less and less things inside the chambers, but… THE MUSIC IS GONE. TT____TT
Blimey, that’s just jumped up key game music. What are they thinking?
I like it.
Just not…IN THERE.
They weren’t?
Speaking of, has that track ever been leaked/released?
My thoughts on Episode 2. Still Awesome. The circle game was abit dissapointing. thought it would move abit more. Library is good to see back. Still likeing the facts on the screen. Ventouse is the real winner in this episode.
Looking forward to episode 3. but alot has already been spoiled
I like how many different ways of pronouncing “Casu Marzu” Willy has.
I’m still generally impressed with this series, Mr Boo *really* didn’t want to give up that key did he? Circle was a bit disappointing, great concept spoiled by trying to include a code box essentially. Also why is everything shiny steel this year? Could they not have painted the new games to fit in with the fort a bit more?
I’m not impressed with roulette as a judgement game however. I always saw those games as a chance for the prisoners to *earn* their freedom.
I think my main gripe however is still how rushed everything seems. I remember the heady days of multi-minute adventures like tightrope, cave explorer, the dark and flooded house. The equivalent games like sunken cage and sewer are over very quickly. However, it’s nothing that isn’t happening to every other show at the moment. Ah the attention spans of modern media consumers.
It was nice to see some of the original games referred to as such, and as always to characterisation adds a great deal. Don’t get me wrong, overall I loved it, but it’s too easy to nitpick something you’re fond of!
I actually didn’t mind the roulette wheel to determine the fate of the prisoner – that’s actually really old school, a reversioning of the old rat-in-a-maze game they used to use to determine the fate of a prisoner. My biggest issue really was that it looked surprisingly unimpressive, it should have totally been more like a proper roulette wheel with the ball given more of a chance to spin round. I certainly think there ought to be a lot more danger in the Hall of Judgement, the success rate was probably a touch too high for me.
I’m looking forward to next week’s as it includes the casino and the manor. Unfortunately the show dropped 800,000 viewers on last week, which is a bit alarming.
Actually I think you’re also right in that the games feel a bit too quick, although I wonder how much of it is in elision – it’s pretty clear (to me) they’re editing out a lot of key game stuff, I wonder how much they’re editing the adventures? It does seem a bit odd that the longest screen game on the fort at the moment (AFAIK) is also one of the smallest scale – Egout (the sewer) at 2:30.
I watched an episode of the dutch version from 1991 the other day on Youtube. They had a computer representation of a clepsydre for the viewers for each game and it’s actually ingenious and I’m baffled nobody else did it, a great visual indicator of how much time is left in a game whilst being so useless as a piece of accurate timekeeping you can edit away and outside shots of the real thing would still be close enough to look like a match.
Last year when Balance was launched it had a 3 minute clock, became 2 minutes 30, and now is 2 minutes.
The editing in the key games is incredibly obvious, especially in Laverie in episode 2. I think there is far too much editing but this is the age where most people expect very quick and very polished things, so that is to be expected.
As people have said above, the only issues are nitpicky issues. If you ignore all the minor faults, it’s still incredibly enjoyable.
Also an 800k viewing drop is very bad news. Adventure Line would have probably been hoping for a 3 million series average. Hopefully the viewers will pick up and this was a one off.
It is Bastille Weekend and everyone went to watch fireworks, apparently. It was second in the slot behind Millionaire on TF1. Not great but might be an outlier.
I suspect it’ll probably be allowed a 25th series regardless of how it does this year, especially if its still selling abroad, but I don’t think it will be getting the huge amount of best-of compilation eps it got for series 20, the overkill of which probably lost it a million.
I think the games are alot more accurate compared to 2011 where the games were all cut about. Ventouse was 2:20 Library 1:45 both actually fair time limits for the games. I also like how Mr Boo didnt want to go down without a fight.
(From the official Facebook) Mr Boo’s variation of the Battle in the Mud looks interesting, although alas he won’t be getting to grips with any of the male contestants. He’ll be guarding the key against two, yes two, of the female team members.
Anouther Good episode of Fort Boyard this week (I think the best so far this series)
I would like to see Beam Jets changed so they can swim back and have anouther go provideing there still time on the clock.
Also intresting to see Salle Des Torture been changed to have a net ladder rather than a simple rope. Guess they wanted more people to try than to actually stand there failing.
Double Lute was intresting. Nice to see. And was good to see some games back like bizutage and perches (Since there like once a year games only)
Hey, there’s a chance the team might get their seven keys without prisoners! ACTIVATE THE SHORT-TIMED BALES DE COTON. I bet there wasn’t really a key in the jarres as well.
Casino was fun but surely impossible under the circumstances. The manor was fun, but again it’s a reuse of an idea that’s on the Fort already.
I still think they messed up the Wheel of Destiny as a prop.
The treasure room was very exciting, it looked like someone might actually have got trapped in the treasure room which would have been novel. Pleased that a team dcided to shuttle run rather than have one person carry another, absolutely the wrong strategy for gold collection.
Fun episode despite everything.
Completely agree with Bales de coton. As soon as i saw perches i said “Prisoner Game next” but then they kinda owned lavrie with ease.
Strange they reused the riddle from the cabin inside the council with the same person
Lousy luck by this weeks team- started extremely well, 7 keys (with some time left over, which they added to the clue gathering time), only 1 prisoner who won the Judge’s room game, got 5 clues (so they needed no sacrifices)….then lost all three trials to end up with only 2 minutes in the treasure room, and ended up with about half of the average the other teams have gotten this season…
Completely agree. The council completely made them lose an awesome lead. And then having 5 clues to open in that long also took alot of time.
It was quite an amazing episode, and I’m a little surprised the Master didn’t throw the Batons game actually.
That was a really good old school Fort Boyard moment with the bungee jump I thought, two minutes of a team successfully persuading someone to do something they found scary, which was always the essence of the adventures really, and that you don’t really get now everything’s immediate.
There hasn’t been many 7 clue game Teams in the history of the show has there?
The Bungee jump was simply amazing. She didn’t give up which is mostly expected of people.
7 Keys with Time Remaining is something that hasn’t happened since like 2007 i believe, great to see it back to adding time for clues.
Chef Willy getting 2 showing in one episode.
Were back to 3 million viewers again.
Very good series so far. The atmosphere of the show seems to be back (To me it felt like its been gone for the last 2 years unless it was a good team)
Well this page is amazing then:
Yes! Tete Chercheuse!
This not been found before? Its pretty old.
First time I’ve seen it.
I had forgotten how dramatic 2009 Souterain Innonde is (Maison Engloutte). It’s completely unnecessary, as if taking place in a low level storm, but I do love it.
A lot of the 2009 reversionings were completely unnecessary, but they were interesting so I hope more turn up.
I really liked that Lutte variation. Really funny.
What was that in the cylinders in Cerce? Wasn’t there the first time it was shown.
And looks like Willy’s serving up natto next episode.
A good episode with a good team again.
Glad to see that they’ve fixed Alerte Rouge, so you have to come back through. If the alert bar is anything to go by, it seems as though 4 hits results in a lock-in which I think is very fair. It means you don’t have to be Caroline Costa to fail it.
I also feel that we got to see a bit more of the Manor instead of Cyril only inspecting half of the room. Also is anyone going to win at the Bibliotheque, it feels that they don’t realise that they have to lift the artificial ceiling back up.
Also this team got the treasure collecting right but it’s a shame that they didn’t earn more time or we would have finally seen a team brake the 20k euro barrier,
Lastly, good news that they ratings have went up again to over 3.157 million and winning the slot.
Yes, happy about Alert Rouge. Not sure the change to the Shrinking Cell is actually that great (it’s interesting we’ve yet to see the snake pit), and we got an exciting unannounced new game in Belier, although it felt like it should have been for a key really. It is certainly this year’s most unexpected use of Morse code.
Also happy about the change to Alerte Rouge.
Belier is… weird, to me. It’s an interesting idea, but the parts of the game don’t really come together for me. What does a simple morse code puzzle have to do with using a battering ram to hit someone off a platform? Maybe if it were something like Catapult, where once the ram is released, the player has a brief time to read off something before being knocked off the platform? I dunno.
It does feel like they’ve decided on the punchline, but picked something a bit random to build up to it.
For this week’s overly-nitpicky editing wtf: At the end of Cloche, it goes from a shot of her still swinging to the team with the Cloche in the background, empty and up against the wall.
Fun team, always enjoyable when Patrice Laffont’s on board.
I think 1:30 in the treasure room might be the lowest ever? Convinced the Maitre was going to throw that last game, before Laffont did it for them.
We need to see Casino more. I accept it’s a hard game, but it is quite funny and could be easily softened up by removing the beam element, as catching coins whilst dizzy will be hard enough as it is.
Wasnt 1:30 always the base time. So a team would have to lose all 6 duels to match it.
For that reason im kinda glad they lose clue games because it means they arnt spending so much time working out the code. Although im dissapointed that snakes has now been cut from 3:00 to 1:50.
Casino would be nice to be played more. I found it pretty fun. Maybe its played in the next 3 episodes.
Also still surprised that after 3 years. No one can beat the pathfinder game in Cellure Interactive.
It did happen in 1996. A team lossed all 6 duels and was left with 1:30 base time.
Fun-ish fact: this is the first year since 2005 they played Bizutage more than once (oddly, back then they got a bit smash happy and played it 5 times).
Good team again, and it won the timeslot with just under 3 million viewers. The show is not far off having a 3 million average which I think would guarantee another series.
I think given its won its slot for almost all the episodes that will probably be enough.
Episodes 1,5 and 6 had the highest viewers for the slot (episode 1 was beaten by audience share though)
All other episodes have been second in the slot with 2 of those episodes being significantly behind first place, but one being within 100k of first.
I thought that with next year being the 25th. a series was more or less on the table just to celebrate
Not much talk of this week’s episode. Kinda funny how the team did pretty shoddy in the first half, but managed to pull together in the duels and finale to get one of the highest totals of the past while.
Yep, getting the codeword with just two clues is always going to have a positive effect. Were they tempted to not release the prisoner? That would have been an odd decision.
Funniest bit was the celebrity magician being fairly rubbish against the Fort’s magician.
Next week we get the casino again! Amazing.
Brancard, too. And looks like someone might actually get close to winning Poutre for once.
I thought the whole point of Brancard was the lack of escape.
With next week being the finale, I guess this means no losing team this year…
’09 ended on a loss, so there’s no guarantee it’ll be a win.
Incidentally, if there’s a win this’ll be the first season since a team COULD lose that there’s been a 100% win record.
Decent team, in the first half I wondered if they were going to even get 3 keys. Am I the only one that thought that the Cellule Interactive was slowed down a bit to ensure that they got a key.
Also, Episode 8 got very good ratings with 3.457 million.
Ha ha, the casino apparently not impossible as originally thought, then. I bet there was a little man controlling the key release mechanism!
Actually it’s really sad that we/I just assume manipulation to cover what feels like poor design sometimes.
Huh? Looked like it was just a counter-weight type thing.
It doesn’t look quite natural, the movements are rather jerky.
Another good team in this episode. Seems like Alert Rouge still has the problem of being too easy. I thought he was going to complete Biblioteque but it seems that it is a “guaranteed” lock-in game. New unfitting music played in Laverie for some bizarre reason. The Cellule Interactive seemed to be a bit dodgey there, seem to register a hit when she never touched a block and failed to sometimes when she did.
Show got rewarded with a series high of 3.652 million, which France 2 should be happy with.
As it’s the end of the series, we can only speculate which games will be getting replaced in the next series. Key ones is suspect – Alert Rouge (Too easy), Balles de Coton (hardly played this series), Perches (Hardly Played), Cylindres and Salles de Tortue. Clue ones I suspect – The Spiders and Scorpions room that was never used this year and Egout.
Why is it that in the space of 10 years everyone’s forgotten how to stack the books the other way round in Bibliotheque?
As much as I think Perches is on its deathbed, I thought that about Bizutage years ago and it’s stronger than ever, so. If it does go they better find somewhere else to put that music.
Mmm, you also need to consider the foreign versions of the show, I can see Perches maybe going but I’m not sure about the rest – certainly the spiders and scorpions game can just move rooms if necessary, and is useful for when le Branchard is too hardcore, like with kids.
There is no way Cylindres is going anywhere, it’s too iconic and there isn’t another game that lets them get away with two minutes of that camera shot.
Also why hasn’t anyone tried the old cheat in Biblioteque where you wrap your arm round the book above the key one, and lift it up so you can squeeze your hand in. Like this –
I wonder if the new turntable aspect would make it more difficult.
Speaking of music, I note the 2011 underwater music made a special guest appearance for the Submerged Cage, and if you were wondering why the guy was showing off a bit doing it in one breath, he holds a world record in it.
For this episode: Good episode overall. Feels like the team would’ve killed it had they won at least one more duel.
For the season: Overall, a pretty okay season. Just some quick thoughts:
Tete Chercheuse only played once…?
Really liked the Lutte variations.
Restaurant is a cool game, mostly cause of Willy. Don’t mind it so much being either key or clue, but doing it twice in a show felt a bit much, especially since other adventures got a little short-changed.
Please cut Plateau 215.
Thank you for cutting the visual puzzles.
Set designs for the rooms were great this year. Even if some of the new games weren’t as interesting.
So Overall series thoughts.
9 episodes was good. Should been 10 but were probley see that next year. Presentation done good. Loving the Passe-Partout and Passe-Muraille banter when there together. Kinda dissapointed to see were back to 12 Key games. When only realisticly 8 of the 12 are key games. 2 are normally clue games (played for keys) and 2 are riddles/restraunt. With one of the 8 always being Cellure Interactive it only leaves open 7 actual key games a episode.
In terms of the new key games. All were good. Shame no one won library but will be keeping an eye out on that internationally.
Alerte Rouge had a nice change. seems like the time limit is a issue this year.
Ventouse has a nice new look. And also had a tense moments in both Episode 2 of France and Sweden (Both had 2 seconds to spare)
Lavrie was a nice fun game to be seen. same with Casino. Both these games will be played in all versions of the show. (There was some debate about Lavrie since the door went back to the old one. But lavrie is still there.)
Restaurant is good. But like mika said. should only be played once.
The Clue games are becoming my biggest upset of the show. I feel like there not really clue games anymore. Considering L’egout, Manoir and Chambre Froid are all played using the clepsydre in international versions (Apart from Sweden epsisode 2 where L’egout is played for a key with no clepsydre, Weird. Think the producers messed that one up)
I would like to see the return of Clue games back to there old pre 2010 form. Like Pont de singe played using a 3:00 clock and not these short 1:30 or 1:20 or 2:10 games. Even if they bring back some old clue games. It was great to see catapult again however. I just feel this portion of the show is let down and often i find it dull and actually abit boring.
Lady white was good this year. I kinda like how prisoners just get a 50% chance of being realese. although would been nice to see other new games. I guess no new games were made for Cellure interactive either. No breakout this year and still yet to see a winner in 3 years on that pathfinder game.
Duels are great this year. Teams can actually earn a full minute and did so on 3 occasions (shame they had prisoners) I also like the 15 second pentaly because it did mess up a few teams with their treasure room time. I dont think were seen a 1:30 treasure room in a long time.
Treasure room as always. Good. Just please dont change to what sweeden are doing this year. Thanks
Next year is the big year. I would actually like to see the kids from 10 years ago retake on the fort as a speical (tho i doubt it happen). I hope they bring back some more old key games. I know a few people want that spider web game back. Maybe bring back the tiger cage clue game.
For me it was solid but unspectacular. Presentation wise it certainly did the business – really liked the new graphics and Chart Show style facts that popped up, and even if the music suite remains a bit disappointing the new underwater tune was the most neatly Boyardesque piece for years.
I thought the new games were OK, the Laundrette was probably the strongest one for me. I never like to complain about adventures set in rooms because for me that shows imagination, although I didn’t think the Manor was all that great a game I expect it was probably one of the most fun to work on.
They shouldn’t play the restaurant twice in a show, although I’m more than happy for it to be a weekly event.
I do think the hurried nature of the show bring down the adventures, I thought one of the best moments was the team encouraging the contestant to bungee jump and being given the time to do so. It does seem odd that most of them are now way shorter and easier than the key games, I think they would do well to mix up the quick stunts and the slightly longer experiences, I am not quite convinced people’s and kid’s attention spans won’t last three minutes. Failing that, Pont de Singe was originally only 2:15, so. I think Egout is a good game.
It was quite funny when they bought out the underwater house game but took away pretty much all of the follow the rope element so the basic challenge was all but done in about twenty seconds.
I can’t believe the underground is not used for anything except prisons at the moment. What a waste of potential.
I hope one day they will get rid of combination locks are they make poor television.
I think with the strong ratings the show was pulling I think season 25 is pretty certain (although it would certainly help if other countries got on board) and as always I’ll be looking forward to it.