Let’s begin by mentioning that former host of Family Fortunes Max Bygraves passed away today, the usual picture of Elton John has been replaced in his honour.
In the meantime it’s time for the usual general Saturday evening post. This time including a few more things for you to watch online if you’d like:
- It was the grand final of Dutch De Slimste Mens last night. Friend of the Bar Vierkante O has assessed how well it’s done (spoiler: it’s done very well) and I’m going to continue banging on about it until someone tries it out over here.
- Thanks to Daniel for pointing out a new episode of Run for Money is avaliable, and that the episode is less ridiculously lengthy than previous at two hours rather than three.
- The last episode in the run of 31 Questions went out last night in Melbourne, it’ll be on the Youtube page soon presumably.
- A Question of Sport – New series begins with a Gold Medal winner’s special. (BBC1, 5:45pm)
- Total Wipeout – This week featuring friend of the bar and former Deal or No Deal contestant Dave Woollin. (BBC1, 6:20pm)
- Red or Black? Tonight up against the Doctor Who premiere. (ITV1, 7:25 and 9:10pm)
- Fort Boyard Last in the present series, but look out for three night-time filmed specials over the next few months. And if you can’t get enough, the Swedish version has started and the Dutch version begins on Monday. (France 2, 7:35pm UK time)
- The X Factor (ITV1, 8:10pm)
- The National Lottery Secret Fortune – you only need to get two answers right to win £100,000. You have to get a few more wrong to win £100. But that happened last week. (BBC1, 8:10pm)
In between the diving stars on SBS6, I will also try to catch some minutes of ‘Vroeger of Later’ on Belgiums ‘Een’. Could be a very nice and fun addition to the panel shows.
Before or Later is the translated title, and it is all about putting lists, names, video’s, people, and so in the right order of time. With Belgian celebs.
Yesterday there was news of a new ‘Raab-event’. Stefan Raab has created ‘TV Total Quizboxen’ (Quiz Boxing).
10 rounds, 5 boxing rounds and 5 quiz rounds. The boxing rounds last 2 mins each, and are judged using amatuer boxing rules. Starts on 23rd of October.
Interesting, a bit like chess boxing.
Exactly what I thought. Sounds pretty good, we’ll have to wait to see how it turns out.
Well, the Diving Stars in Holland got up to 1,6m viewers, that is absolutely insane; beating Strictly Come Dancing and the new big variety show Beat The Best.
For all the Fort Boyard fans, episode one of the new Dutch series starting Monday, is already online as a preview: http://avro.nl/fortboyard/Player/fortboyard12_aflevering1/#.UEMQYFTFxdk
I found my name in the list of all the fans of 31 Questions on Facebook during their final episode.
Twitpic ahoy! http://twitpic.com/aqcew4
“Rolling Maruta”
I’m guessing you might know him?
My name’s on there too. In that very screenshot actually, three above Andy’s. Amazing.
Loved 31 Questions, really hope they do some more.
I can’t remember if I liked it in Facebook or not.
Ah, well I have now. Talk about shutting the door after the horse has bolted. Never mind.
I got a comment off the guys at 31 Questions for my photo:
‘Ten points Andrew! Ten *Australian* points! (Sadly after conversion to your much stronger currency it’ll work out to about 4.333 points.)’
Gotta love that Australian humour
Slightly off-topic but just caught up with the end of The Amazing Race Australia series 2, really enjoyed it.
So much so that I’m now planning on watching ALL the US series, have started series one, enjoyable so far but amazing how dated it is already. Will report back.
To be honest, you can probably stop after TAR 5. Actually that’s a bit unfair. I was very excited when they visited Cambridge though.
I really enjoyed 9 when they showed it on Challenge. FWIW, 9 is the oldest one I’ve seen. The more recent ones are increasingly stunt-y, but still have some high points.