Wie is De Mol S10

By | May 27, 2012

Friend of the Bar ThatDarkSpark is doing a Summer project translating Wie Is De Mol series 10, from Japan, from Dutch into English on Youtube. Episodes will be going up irregularly.

Episode 1 is here. Click on CC in the bottom corner for the subtitles (it’s much quicker to do it this way than hardcoding them onto the video, apparently).

If you have watched the series, please don’t spoil, ta.

85 thoughts on “Wie is De Mol S10

  1. ThatDarkSpark

    Thanks for the new thread Brig Bother! 🙂
    And for recapping my post!:)

    Yes, softcoding is a lot more time efficient, but it has been mostly due to incompatibilities of the vids and the rendering programs for hardcoding, which cost a lot more time. Hence this ‘experiment’ with soft-coding which we might use in series 13 in January 2013 too if we get positive feedback from translators and watchers. 😉 Any feedback on one versus the other (benefits of one vs. the other for you as a viewer) would be appreciated! 🙂

    Yes, this is indeed a summer project so I will be more or less on my own translating, basically. I’m not sure I can promise a weekly basis but I aspire to bring the vids to you as soon as possible and on a fairly regular basis overall. 🙂
    (i.e. you won’t have to wait for a month or so for the next episode to come out, and if it does take longer I will inform you.:))

    I hope you’ll all enjoy the series!

    Have a lovely Spring & Summer guys! 🙂

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      No problem, thanks for doing it!

      It’s nice to see they opened the series with a really simple to understand challenge 🙂

      Quite disappointed they didn’t have New York City playing out over the credits though.

  2. ThatDarkSpark

    Had an XXL weekend so found some spare time to do this. 😀

    Episode 2 of the Mole Japan (Series 10).
    Enjoy! 😀


    Ps I feel disappointed they didn’t use NYC in the credits of this series either, I totally associate it with it now! 🙁
    It’s so lovely, sad and dramatic..Good thing it’s been back since though, so hopefully for S13 too! 🙂

  3. Gizensha

    Some interesting games so far that season, and – as Brig says – so nice of them to go for such a simple opening game 😉

    Nothing stands out for me so far, either Mole wise or anyone I particularly like as a contestant, but that will likely come with time.

    Soft subtitles – They work well enough, but is there any way of increasing the font size just a tiny bit?

  4. ThatDarkSpark

    If there is a way to increase the font, I haven’t found it yet unfortunately. 🙁
    I’ve tried several different fonts and sizes but it keeps looking the same once I have uploaded the subtitle file on you tube.

    I’m not sure why, maybe they have a standard thing?
    I’ll keep looking though. Or if you have a good tip how to do it let me know.

    I do appreciate ideas and feedback on this, as long as it won’t take up a lot of extra time. 🙂 After all choosing for ‘soft’ subtitles was in part in the hopes spending less time with that stuff. 😀

  5. ThatDarkSpark

    By the way one of the Mole watchers mentioned to me he downloads the video as well as the subtitle file.
    If you play the video like that, i.e. in the same directory and having the same name as the subtitle file (like you would with any regular subtitles you donwload from somehwere) the subtitles would appear bolder. Much like the hard coded ones before. 🙂

  6. ThatDarkSpark

    Time for episode 3 of the Mole Japan.. 😀
    Stereotypes, Mole perceptions and preconceptions, tunnelvisions.. In abundance! But which is the ‘right’ one? 🙂

    Hope you’ll enjoy. 🙂

    1. Gizensha

      I still prefer the British thing of re-editing the opening each episode, reduces spoilers of who gets through the execution a little bit.

      Currently suspect Arjen the most, but due to a very obvious edit to make if he isn’t the Mole.

      (Thanks again for doing these)

    2. Brig Bother Post author

      Thanks very much for this.

      I think Arjen is a good shout. I note some people get a voiceover when doing the quiz and some people don’t, and I wonder if there’s anything to read into that.

      I thought Angela and Karel’s reasoning with who they thought The Mole was, seemingly based more on perceived TV politics than anything from the task, was interesting.

      I discovered yesterday that Angela is a coach on The Voice of Holland, which is fun.

    3. Dave

      In this episode, we are told that we will find out whether Frits is the mole in episode 10. How do we know 100% that it is episode 10? Surely if he weren’t the Mole then there would be a very strong chance we would find out /before/ that episode?

      Combined with the “In Episode 3, The Mole will reveal themselves…” I’m putting my money on Frits.

      1. Gizensha

        It’s like the bus task – They’ll reveal if the team won the task at the end of the show (But in this case the task is more likely to be revealed early due to it depending on one person)

        1. Dave

          Oh, I understand that and maybe this is clutching at straws – it’s just the certainty with which they were told “It WILL be revealed in Episode 10,” without even an addition “or maybe before if Frits is eliminated.” It seems like one of those points of pedantry that the English producers liked (Tanya: I’ve been playing the mole since day one) that make people go “Ahhh….” in the final reveal.

          Plus, why did they emphasise that Pieter-Jan knows who the mole is? And how else are we meant to interpret “The mole reveals himself in episode three…”

          But I could be miles off the mark – that’s why the moles such a good show 🙂

          1. Brig Bother Post author

            Not sure I’d read too much into Pieter-Jan knowing – in some versions the host knows, in others they don’t.

          2. ThatDarkSpark

            I agree with Brig Bother.
            Not saying anything about the Mole in the end but I wouldn’t read too much into this like that.

            In series 6 there was a similar task. One person had to swap seats with the Mole (who they thought the Mole was anyway). They said we wouldn’t know the answer for sure till episode 10. Whether that was true or not, or the people involved stayed or not to the Finale, this is just how they phrased it. I think for dramatic effect basically. 🙂

            It would look a bit un-dramatic if Pieter Jan said: We will know in episode 10 or whenever that person might get executed.. 😛

            Not saying Frits is or isn’t the Mole or anything, just saying I think you shouldn’t read too much into those things tbh.

            As for Pieter Jan knowing the identity of the Mole.
            He didn’t know in S8 & S9, but he mentioned he preferred to know when hosting. Hence he did know in S10 and S11, as far as I know. I actually do think it improved his hosting. 🙂

            It varies, some hosts prefer knowing others prefer not to. 🙂

          3. Brig Bother Post author

            Yes indeed, our UK host preferred not to until it was necessary for a late task in series two – it means they can play along, and it also means there’s less chance of letting it slip accidentally. The producer wrote a brilliant diary for a media magazine about the time it first went out, and it was clear trying desperately not to accidentally implicate somebody was very stressful!

            I like Pieter-Jan as host, as much as I like Art Rooijakkers I don’t think he’s quite *there* yet, not enough gravitas. A bit too young still maybe. I gather he’s staying on to host the next series yes?

          4. ThatDarkSpark

            Yes as far as I know Art will be hosting S13 as well. 🙂
            He was very thrilled about the whole experience.

            Seeing how Pieter Jan did it again, I have to agree with you that I slightly prefer the way Pieter Jan did it. He carried the show without being too ‘present’, yet he clearly was present and involved. With that slight distance and gravitas the host of the Mole should have I feel.

            I understand why Art took a bit more the ‘pal’ approach, as you say age was a factor and the type of person he is I think too. I did like the way he did it though, and it has to be said, Pieter Jan grew into the role more in his 2nd, 3rd and 4th series. I think there’s a good chance Art will find his own ‘niche’ in this and do well enough. But for me personally, I would agree with you that I still kind of prefer the way Pieter Jan did it. 🙂

    1. Gizensha

      The exemption task is one of the better one’s I’ve seen.

      I may have mentioned this earlier, but I find it interesting that the Dutch version seems to have more ‘get a bit of money for a bit of success’ tasks compared to the British version. Does anyone know how common that is in other versions, and was that always the case with the Dutch version or did it gradually get introduced?

  7. ThatDarkSpark

    Hmmm not sure if I understand you correctly, do you mean like : get 3 pieces right for €500 each, you make €1500 for three out of the total prize money?

    Good question actually I think I remember it being bigger amounts in the earlier series, but then if they failed the same amount was taken out of the pot. (All in all they earned more in the first 4 series though).

    I think the smaller amounts for getting things right or wrong differ a bit per series, but I remember it’s been around in S6 (facory challenge), and a few others after that. I think it’s more prevalent in the more recent series in fact. Probably because these teams would fail miserably to earn anything at all otherwise. 😀

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Yes I think you’ve got the right idea – certainly The Mole as I knew it (Australian, UK, American) the tasks are all all-or-nothing, here you get part money for part credit.

      Could the lower prizemoney have something to do with the fact that celebrities are playing?

    2. Gizensha

      That’s what I meant, yeah.

      The only thing similar to ‘x for each’ I recall in the UK version was the mini-challenges on the way to the reveal of the winner, loser and mole, where the team got a series of opportunities to gamble an amount of cash from the pot along the way (They had to gamble something, win and they got the money they gambled added to the pot, lose and it was subtracted), but there might have been the occasional task that wasn’t all or nothing.

      It certainly allows for more subtle acts of sabotage on the behalf of the Mole than an all or nothing really allows for – deliberately taking a high amount and losing or deliberately taking a low amount, succeeding, and then sabotaging everyone else’s efforts (or not, depending on current suspicions), but it reduces the jeopardy of some of the tasks. £1000 (Or, in current Dutch terms, €200) for each success at an individual task when there are five remaining team members vs £5000 (or €1000) for best of five attempts. Not sure which I prefer, really.

  8. ThatDarkSpark

    Well there still are challenges where more money can be won (or lost). I think I prefer this to the either large amount won or large amount lost- scenario though, I think.

    But honestly I am not too bothered about the money it mostly ends up being around €20.000 – €24.000 these days anyway. Except for this year of course. I liked the Hofdi house challenge but it was a shame the pot was reduced to zero when they had such few opportunities to make a decent amount afterwards I think. Admittedly this year’s group was sabotaging more than the actual Mole, all together (especially Tim 😛 ) but still.. 🙂

    @Brig Bother.
    Yes I do think there is a link between less prize money and the ‘celebrities’. They have a different incentive – apart from playing the game the exposure is interesting for them. Soundos eg went on to host a popular (kids) show after her Mole experience. 🙂

  9. ThatDarkSpark

    Hi sweet fellow Mole-lovers! 😀

    I come to bring thee good tidings (forget about the bad ones, who needs more of those in their life? :p :p)

    So here without further ado, is episode 5 of the Mole in Japan. 🙂 ‘Visualize’ being the key word here, I would say. 😀

    Enjoy, guys! 🙂

    1. Gizensha

      Arjen commandeering 2/3 pairs of heavy duty gloves for his solution may have been one of the most beautifully subtle pieces of sabotage I’ve ever seen, if he’s the Mole.

      …And the fact I’m actually using that to corroborate my theory indicates just how little sabotage seemed to be going on this episode.

  10. SquareEyes

    FYI btw – our next season of The Mole could be cancelled, due to a major incident with one of the candidates, resulting in serious hospital treatment. There is further no news about the future of the season.

    1. ThatDarkSpark

      It’s possible but the Avro network itself brought out the news.
      They didn’t mention cancelling the show, and the accident has happened 5-6 days ago. Maybe they haven’t decided yet but it would seem more likely to me they might have said something in that same press briefing about this if they had decided to cancel it.

      We don’t know yet they still may but I think it’s better not to jump to conclusions and just wait if they come with an update about cancellations before assuming they will. 🙂

      1. Poochy.EXE

        I think it’s perfectly feasible that they’ll just wait until the victim is fully healed and then proceed – US season 5 also had a player who required emergency medical attention (although unlike this case, he didn’t need surgery), and the show continued without a hitch, aside from that player’s absence for about a full day of taping. And he turned out to be the Mole, no less.

        1. ThatDarkSpark

          Hmm unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be an option since in this case she fractured a vertebra, and needs surgery. So the recovery will take quite some time. She’s definitely out of the game. (I think the production of S5 US took a major risk taking a Mole with such a bad physical condition. In fact since a few years all contestants are required to take physical fitness tests on the Dutch Mole perhaps in part due to that?).

          Anyway apparently one source of the Avro said that it would not have an effect on the series or filming but sofar this has not been corroborated. I do feel that if they had aborted it (it’s been 6 days since the accident) they would have also mentioned it but that’s just my own feel/take on it – perhaps they will yet come out with a statement. The reason I feel they would have is because most of the celebs are on a very tight schedule and can’t just wait around for 5-6 days not knowing what to do. So if it would be aborted I feel they would have done this by now. Perhaps they have and they will let us know later, I don’t know.

          It’s a real shame this happened, I just hope she makes a full recovery and hopefully some way they can still salvage the series, if everyone is on board with that obviously. I know at the time when Frederique Huydts died ( 🙁 🙁 so sad!) during the show airing she insisted on it keeping on airing because she was so proud of it and had had so much fun.

          I guess we’ll have to wait for now but if any more news comes out I will definitely inform you guys. 🙂

  11. ThatDarkSpark

    Just heard an item on a gossipy news show (RTL Boulevard), but with an official press consultant by the Avro.

    She mentioned the contestants were a little shocked because they witnessed the accident, but that it was pure bad luck because as always strict protocols for safety were taken very seriously.

    (Actually I think widm has been quite strict about this in general – in spite of there being spectacular challenges you can always tell how much help and assistance there is at hand as well as precautions).

    She also mentioned that as far as the avro can tell and for now (as foreseen) they will just continue filming and there will be no ‘extra’ consequence to series 13. 🙂

    Not unlike suspected then. 😉

  12. ThatDarkSpark

    By the way, feel free to set your thoughts on episode 5 free! 🙂
    I’m sorry if it got snowed under because one of my compatriots felt the urge to share the drama of S13 (hopefully unnecessarily ;)) but please, this thread is still about S10 and discussion about it. 🙂

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      Ha ha, if there’s any place to talk about it, here’s probably the place where it will get noticed! Thanks for the upload, I will watch it in a minute.

    1. Brig Bother Post author

      A fun episode, thanks.

      I genuinely have no idea who the Mole is, although I think I can eliminate Frits as being too obvious, Kim (was it?) who ran back down the mountain to find the dragon sign, as that would have been an easy sabotage to pull off.

      1. Gizensha

        Not only is Frits taking the exemption too obvious, but the way he did it maximised the amount of money going into the pot while giving him the exemption, even to the point of insisting someone else going before him. Taking it at any point looks about as suspicious as any other, so why the heck gift the pot an extra €800 like that if you’re the Mole?

        1. ThatDarkSpark

          Well it’s not my intention to mingle into the discussion tbh, but I will say this. If I were the Mole and sabotage this, I don’t think I would just leave someone chained in the woods even if it would bring another x-many € in the pot.

          I think whatever the Mole does, they also have a responsibility towards the group to some extent. Leaving people behind chained up is a pretty awful thing to do. Besides as you can see they were already not allowing him much space anymore, so had he done that he for sure would have been cast out of the group. As a Mole it’s crucial to win and have people’s trust in order to be able to sabotage. Working against the group severely limits the options of the Mole.

          So if this is a Mole sabotage (not saying it is or isn’t)I wouldn’t be surprised about the Mole letting everyone off the hook before doing it in that sense.

        2. Dan Peake

          I’ve been watching and really enjoying these Mole series you’ve been putting up TDS – thanks very much!

          The Dutch go much further with mind games and paranoia than the British series ever did!

          I reckon the Mole is Sanne, with Kim as a second choice. I noticed in the School challenge that Kim was on a team doing really well then basically didn’t get out in time. She’s sneaky, but I reckon she’s doing it on purpose to make people think she’s the Mole, when she isn’t.

          I think it was Sanne giving the envelope by George right at the start, I’m probably reading too much into that. Reading her facial expressions at the eliminations whilst looking at Peter Jan does he does the executions.

          Anyway, that’s my gut feeling. Sanne first choice, then Kim.

          1. Gizensha

            I think everyone – or at least most people – was sabotaging the school challenge, Mole or otherwise, to be honestly.

          2. ThatDarkSpark

            True. The Mole could have been anyone in that challenge, basically, nobody seemed to be too bothered about doing very well. Either that or their ‘efforts’ were all in vain anyway. 😛

            @Dan Peake
            Thanks! 🙂 I’m glad you’re enjoying them!
            I may do another one before the new in 2013 but it all depends on how much time I have. I hate unfinished things so I would have to be sure I can actually do it before I commit myself. 😉

            I agree with you that there’s a lot more emphasis on the psychological aspects of the game in the Dutch series, has been almost from the beginning. I think this is closer to the original Belgian format in fact, but it grew more so over the years with new game elements being added such as the jokers. 🙂 Actually I love the psychological challenges, paranoia and the games the contestants play on each other. Mind you it usually blows up in their face because they get so wrapped up in it they start getting confused about what is and isn’t suspicious about all the others, playing the same game. *lol*

            In some series, like S10, that means in some challenges everyone is so occupied with that, it’s hard to tell anymore which is which. 🙂 Still, I actually really like these types of challenges because it’s a mindf*ck for the people watching it too. It all depends on the perspective you take. 😉

  13. ThatDarkSpark

    Hi guys! 😀

    It’s time for another episode of the Mole in Mystical Japan. 😉
    Figured out who the Mole is yet? 🙂

    Have fun!! 🙂 🙂

    Ps: The Japanese signs in the Zao crater challenge in episode 5 can be linked to a challenge in episode 6. If someone wants to know what they mean exactly please let me know. I’ve made a video comment for episode 5 about this too in fact. 🙂

    1. Gizensha

      I have a hunch that the idea behind the exhibit was to follow the photos that the mirror ball thing related to somehow, rather than who you thought was the Mole…

      Not sure if the way Arjen played the elimination is evidence that he’s the Mole or clear, mind.

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        I really hope he’s not The Mole because I love how gutsy the play was.

        I hope there’s an explanation of the photo challenge in the last show.

        And YAY New York City. Thanks TDS.

        1. Gizensha

          Well, yeah. No-one’s done anything to convince me he isn’t the Mole (either him or his fellow contestants), but by gods if he isn’t the Mole I want him to win this thing.

  14. ThatDarkSpark

    Ok, enjoy! 🙂

    Request! Would you guys do me a favor and vote for me for a challenge? It’s a Mole-like game and I can win the challenge if I get the most votes. It closes in about 48 hours. My nick there is Jazzed. 🙂


    Many thanks in advance! 🙂

  15. ThatDarkSpark

    High time for Episode 7 of the Mole in Japan. 😀
    Enjoy! 🙂

  16. Gizensha

    I decided it couldn’t be Arjen during this episode, but… I’m starting to lean towards Tim now, despite how he stood out too firmly as the Mole to possibly be the Mole half way through, so I don’t think it’s him but he’s the closest to being who I think it is.

    (Also – The Briefcase negotiation game? Wow, I’d have thought they ran out of games included in the UK version years ago. Less frustrating to watch than when Tanya and co played it, mind. Did I miss something where it was revealed what the golden question mark meant, though?)

    1. ThatDarkSpark

      No they didn’t explain the golden question mark. 🙂

      Honestly the ‘retro’ factor in some episodes in series 10 imo were on purpose. 🙂 They made a big deal about it being the 10th series etc. So there are definitely some things or elements we have seen before, in fact the briefcase negotiation challenge was a lot like what happened in series 3 at some point. 🙂
      They even used some old terms such as ‘old Mole of mine’ which is a direct reference to a rather memorable scene from that series. 😉

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        Fun fact: if I remember correctly, the negotiation game was devised by our very own David B.

  17. ThatDarkSpark

    Well time for a Mole snack.. 😀
    Here’s episode 8, enjoy! 🙂 😉

  18. Gizensha

    Frits’s statement about strategy discussions between him and Erik and how “Ultimately one of us wants to win” – I’m not familiar with how similar English and Dutch are, linguistically speaking. How accurate a translation, and how much has had to been lost due to differences in the languages, would you say this is? Because – If an english speaking contestant said that sentence in that way, I would interprit that as either be saying that he’s 100% sure that Erik is the mole (Which, considering he seemed to vote for one of the girls, isn’t the case), or admitting to being the Mole himself.

  19. ThatDarkSpark

    Frits says: ‘Uiteindelijk wil één van ons natuurlijk ook wel gewoon winnen’. This means as much as what I translated it to imo. ‘In the end one of us does want to actually win’. i.e. they are friends, and they exchange theories but they are also each other’s competition. Both Erik’s and Frits’ video diaries point out that they are very aware of that. I’m not sure why you interpret that as him saying he’s 100% sure Erik is the Mole? The Mole doesn’t ‘win’ do they??

    Kinda confused how you got that from this translation tbh. 😉 But this is what I think he intended to say (whether as a contestant or as a Mole playing his role, that’s up to you to decide. :D).

    @ Brig Bother:
    I agree! I thought that Fake Eiffel Tower was awesome, and hilarious too. So OTT, it just screams Japan in terms of OTT-ness and copycattery. 😀 Loved it!

  20. Gizensha

    I think “In the end, only one of us can win” might have been closer to the meaning then. “One of us wants to win,” to me, sounds like one of them doesn’t want to win, which in turn suggests that one of them is the mole because, as you say, the mole doesn’t win… And I’m used to over analyzing those sorts of idiosyncrasies in this show, thanks mainly to Tanya and her “I’ve been playing the Mole since day one” along with various James Bond puns embedded in her video diaries – any other show I would likely have not even noticed.

    (And, yeah, the Tokyo Tower is a wonderful piece of OTT copycattery. Granted I hadn’t realized before this that it lit up, I’m used to it just looking like a cross between the Eiffel tower and a barber poll, that seems to be how it gets drawn and coloured in anime. Which, to be fair, is what it looks like during day: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3009.html… It lighting up makes it more reminiscent of the Blackpool Tower at night, at least until you get to the base not being encased in a 7 story building with an underground aquarium […Watch it turn out that the Eiffel tower lights up at night too…])

  21. ThatDarkSpark

    Well this is what he says so that is the way I translated it..
    I still think it’s clear what he meant by the context but hey, that’s my opinion. You’re entitled to yours.. 😉

      1. ThatDarkSpark

        Fait enough, but in this case I really think you’re overthinking it. 🙂

        1. ThatDarkSpark

          Just as a note I would like to say this. 🙂

          I totally inderstand the ‘not knowing what to take seriously or not’ because yes, it definitely goes with the Mole territory.

          I do try to find a way to get translations as close to what people say without missing the mark or making it sound off/crude/translated Dutch. It’s not always easy to do so. I debate with myself often enough how best to translate things.

          I could have translated it like you suggested but then I would be off what was actually said or what anyone might feel afterwards might have been a clue or not. It’s a difficult balance to keep. I hope you can bear that in mind. 🙂

          It’s also difficult to answer any questions about the why of the translations because I don’t want to give away anything one way or another. So it’s kind of a tricky thing balancing all those things and getting a decent translation without getting too much lost in the process.

          That’s why I reacted like I did. I do try. It’s not that easy. 😛 Just saying. I do understand your frustrations about it but actually it’s the ambivalence in what contestans have been saying throughout the series (Kim and Sanne too a.o. in fact). You find it in every series. That’s why I feel sticking closest to what everyone says and letting people make up their own mind is the fairest way to actually translate it. 🙂

  22. ThatDarkSpark

    On a S13 note..
    Janine (the contestant who got hospitalized) had a radio interview with her co-host of her radioshow ‘Early Birds’. She mentioned waking up hearing a specific bird every morning. She didn’t mention its name because that would give away the location straight away, she said. So they had a clip of the sound that bird makes.

    After some digging I have found out that this noisy bird is the socalled Hadeda Ibis. It’s native to sub-Saharan Africa, and very prevalent to a certain area in South Africa which seems to corroborate with the picture Janine sent of the A. African (?) nurse earlier.

    So it would appear S13 was indeed filmed in Africa, and South Africa (Pretoria / Jo’burg area) seems the most likely based on both these facts. 😀 😀

    Personally I love S.Africa so I can’t wait, really hoping it’s true!!! 😀

  23. ThatDarkSpark

    Back to S10.. 😀 Episode 9 to be precise 🙂

    It’s getting down to the wire folks.. 😉
    Just three contestants left now.. So..Who’s the Mole? 🙂

  24. ThatDarkSpark

    Here we are! 😀
    Time for Episode 10 of the Mole in Japan.. The Final Reveal! 😀

    Who is.. the Mole? And what did they sabotage? 🙂

    Enjoy!! 😉 🙂

    1. Daniel Peake

      Wow – I had HUGE tunnel vision this series! Got that one wrong-diddly-ong!

      Thanks ThatDarkSpark for doing all that translating, that must have taken ages. I for one really appreciate that effort!!

      Bring on WIDM 2013…

      1. ThatDarkSpark

        Happy you enjoyed it! 😀
        May I ask who your suspect was? 🙂

          1. ThatDarkSpark

            Ah yes, I forgot there are no spoilertags here. 🙂

  25. Gizensha

    Thanks for this.

    I liked the hidden clues for this season, although… Huh. Three different contestants had all figured out the identity of the Mole by the time they were eliminated, even if they weren’t able to perform on the test? That’s… A pretty poor performance from the Mole, really…

    Do you happen to know off the top of your head what the other hidden clues were?

    1. ThatDarkSpark

      Huh? Not sure they figured it out by the time they were eliminated? They mentioned it in talk before the reveal. I’m not sure how that constitutes a poor performance of the Mole, I think before the reveal several people who have been eliminated during the series figured it out afterwards, seeing the rest of the series eg.?

      Maybe that’s a difference of opinion, but I don’t think it’s a necessarily uncommon thing?

      I will look into the other clues and get back to you in a few more days for the same reason Dan mentioned, no spoiler 🙂
      I think the main ones were mentioned in the series though. The main clue was good I think, i.e. I discovered it about half way in the series and it convinced me even more than I already was. 😀

      1. Gizensha

        IIRC what was said: The runner up lost on time, and Erik had gone for the Mole when he was eliminated but completely cocked up the elimination quiz due to rushing it, thinking Frits was going for the same Mole and expecting it to come down to time.

  26. Brig Bother Post author

    Amazing stuff. Reading back over the thread, I was thrown off a bit by a non-sabotage in episode six, but my gut feeling paid off by episode seven.

    Great series, thanks for doing this!

  27. ThatDarkSpark

    Though it was never explained as such, I still strongly feel there was a hint in the intro. 🙂

    The Japanese signs in Zao (the crater in Episode 5):

    明日: tomorrow
    螺旋: spiral
    写真: photograph
    答: answer
    景色: scenery/view
    ** Courtesy of a Japanese forum for people learning the language & differences in kanji, run by native speakers.
    I asked them myself at the time. 🙂

    This obviously transpired to the cylindrical photo-exhibition task in episode 6, with the ‘See/Meet your Mole’ element (there is one of these in every series since S6, with different twists).
    Once they got the right pictures/answers, they would see the Mole.

    Just look at where this is placed in the intro of S10. 🙂

    1. Michael

      Couldn’t believe I didn’t work out the photo exhibition thing.

  28. ThatDarkSpark

    The destination for the 13th series has long been speculated about, and today finally is indeed confirmed to be… South Africa!!! 🙂 🙂

    Have a look at the first footage of the brand new Mole series! 🙂

  29. ThatDarkSpark

    New footage with the contestants of series 13!! 😀

    Also big news… apparently the Mole is returning for a new series on Channel 7 in Australia!! Yaaayyy!! 😀 It will be called The Mole – Culture Clash apparently. Old style but with people of a lot of different socio-economic backgrounds apparently. If I hear more about it I will let you know but it’s announced for 2013 so it looks like we’ll be pampered with two Mole series next year!!! 😀 😀 😉

  30. ThatDarkSpark

    Ok we got our first Mole mail including footage of episode 1 and interviews with the new contestants of S13. 😀

    I’ve translated it but I feel it doesn’t belong in S10, nobody would be able to find it I think?

    So, can someone tell me how to open a new thread or maybe open one for the new series please?? 😀 Many thanx in advance!! 🙂


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