I don’t really watch Countdown in honesty, although I maintain this is stunt casting. Will probably watch later though, but what did you think?
I don’t really watch Countdown in honesty, although I maintain this is stunt casting. Will probably watch later though, but what did you think?
Nick was OK. It missed Jeff though in my view; it was all a little awkward with the constant praise (how many times did he say ‘very good’?) and felt a little dry where it didn’t before (it reminded me slightly of Des Lynam’s run), but as he settles in he’ll surely improve.
I’ll be interested to see how the show rated, and whether he pays off long-term.
Not sure about those snazzy new titles mind you…
No, felt like the theme was too long for the little animation there was in those titles – far, far too little going on.
“Very good” started to grate after about 5 minutes, and he sounded like he was taking sides with whoever happened to be scoring highest at the time. But it was day 1. And it wasn’t a car crash by any means.
Watching this now. Better than I was expecting I think, certainly more impish.
He sounds a bit brusque with his “off you go!” sometimes.
God he was awful. Hopefully we’ll be seeing those tabloid “You’re Fired!” headlines before the year is out – both for Nick Hewer and Jay Hunt.
He’s not bad, but he seems to be lacking personality. A bit of a shame, considering he was very entertaining on Have I Got News For You and Would I Lie To You.
Those new titles remind me of DoND’s new titles. They look nice, but nothing happens and it’s all very awkward.
I watched the first part of Monday’s show on 4OD, and the opening titles just made me think of saying “COUNTDOWN…IN…SPAAAACE!”.
I didn’t think Nick was too bad, and people over at DS have been saying that Nick admitted the first few shows were haphazard, so before long he’ll get into his stride. It’s not far to judge him just off one episode, though, is it?
A bit awkward, a bit patronising, occasionally amusingly disparaging, but I reckon he’ll settle into it and find a persona that works.
Can’t resist pointing out the moment last Wednesday where Nick had to deal with a certain word that rhymes with “banker”…

What a shame that Channel 4 could not swallow a little bit of pride and retain the highly entertaining Jeff Stelling as Countdown host.
I now record the show and fast forward whenever Nick Hewer is talking. In the immortal (last) words of Oscar Wild “Either that wallpaper goes or I do”.
Posted by soon to be ex-viewer of Countdown.
You views are simply wrong, I’ve never been a massive Countdown as the format has never really grabbed me, but it’s always been, I now watch on catch up daily and fast forward through the bits that don’t feature Nick Hewer. I feel Hewer has shown himself to be a better match intellectually to the format and his style of humour fits the show much better. Some will disagree that Hewer is the best host post Whitely, but there doesn’t seem to be a commonly held opinion on the success of any presenter.
You are simply wrong in view, and only a simpleton couldn’t appreciate him on the show.
He also seems interested in the show and the people much more than Stelling ever did. Lets face it he seemed so bored.
It might be too early to say it’s been a great move as it might just be curiosity views at the moment that have increased the ratings, but it certainly hasn’t done the show any harm.
Margaret Mountford is the dictionary corner guest w/c 16th April!
Also, Anneka Rice is on this week. Must catch up using 4OD!