It’s Only Connect time!

By | January 5, 2012

Do you want to be on Only Connect?

We’re looking for teams of three players who share a common passion, ability or profession, to pool their combined wits to solve fiendish conundrums and vexing puzzles.

To request an application please email including a contact number. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 31st January 2012, so get them in as soon as possible.

If you applied for a previous series, but were unsuccessful, you are welcome to apply again for this new series. Auditions will be held in regional centres across the UK. All applicants must be aged 18+ and UK Residents.

Go go Bother’s Bar!

Don’t forget at 8pm it’s the Festive Fifty freeroll BotherSOP warm-up (featuring proper celebs), and at 9pm Celebrity Big Brother launches.

19 thoughts on “It’s Only Connect time!

  1. Chris M. Dickson

    And here’s a Round One question too esoteric (or, at least, otherwise unsuitable) for the show in question.

    What is the connection between:


  2. Mart with an Y not an I

    Death or Glory 5 pointer here…
    Is the connection, they are all seen on the podium at the end of a motor race?

    The other three being:-
    Sweaty Overalls
    Local dignitaries/politicans/royals with a fixed false grin

  3. Chris M. Dickson

    I’m working the day shift tomorrow so here’s clue two now. Clue three, if it’s needed, soon after getting up at 5am UK time.

    What is the connection between:


  4. Chris M. Dickson

    Remember, this is a Question Too Erotic for Only Connect.

    What is the connection between:


    (The result is the top answer in most search engines, so please don’t.)

    1. David B

      Well, that’s another picture round down the drain *rips up script*

    2. Alex

      Is it bad that I’m imagining these as Supermarket Sweep inflatables?

      And that means I REALLY don’t want to know what the last one is.

  5. Marocoraymondo

    Sad news, just announced that bob Holness has died. He was 83.


    1. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

      I’ve just heard about it myself. Very saddened to hear of Bob’s passing 🙁

  6. Mark D

    Who’s up for a Bothers bar team?

    I don’t have any “suitable” friends:(

  7. Chris M. Dickson

    What is the connection between:


    See, I just love the way that the person who inspired the question ordered these four…

    1. Mart with a Y not a I

      I was going to have another guess (mainly in the interests for a cheap laugh) at it being just another average night in during the late 80’s for Keith Floyd?

  8. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

    I cheated, but the connection is it’a quote from Christopher Hitchens about the 4 most over-rated things in life.

    1. Chris M. Dickson

      Exactly so.

      If a Winston Churchill quote can inspire an OC question, then so can this. (At least, in the Bar for yuks, rather than on TV for real.) The Hitchens quote is much more fun.

      I suppose virtually every quote ending in a list of four items is potential fair game these days, though three-part lists are so much more frequent in speechmaking that famous ones are probably fairly few and far between.


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