Full Tilt Might Be Crooks But At Least Their Software Worked (Festive Freeroll)

By | December 28, 2011

We’re still in holiday mode at The Bar (you mean somtimes you aren’t? – Everyone In The World) but just a reminder because the more the merrier as far as I am concerned, the Bother’s Bar Festive Freeroll Part Two is on tomorrow (that’s Thursday night) at 8pm on Pokerstars, the BSOP12 page has all the “deets” (details). Once again I’m putting up £11 of my own personal non-fortune as a prize.

DO NOT leave it to the last minute to join the club because I have to approve your membership, and I can only do it if I’m in vicinity of my computer. And you wouldn’t want to miss out on the fun, would you?

Please note: Some people left their request to join the club until quite close to the first game where the Pokerstars servers melted and their request may not have come through. If you think that’s you then submit another request, I’ll not readily turn anyone down. Do it early to avoid disappointment! Edit: Home Game software being very slow again this evening, I’ve sent support a message. If you try and apply, it may be worth nudging me to ask if I got your request or not.

Edit Edit Edit: A reply:

Thank you for your email and for allowing us to be of assistance.

We are currently experiencing a delay with Home Games. This includes opening the Club Lobby, registering to tournaments and taking a seat in ring games.

The issue you are having has been reported to our Programming Team.

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to provide a time frame for a resolution of this issue. However, we are aware how important it is for this to be corrected and are working with haste to get it fixed.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience in dealing with this issue.

Thank you for choosing PokerStars.

Well it is fair to say this doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the world’s biggest poker site. We will see how tomorrow goes, then make a decision as to whether to postpone the first game proper or not until we can be more sure as to whether it’s going to work properly or not. My advice: if you want to play, register in the afternoon, open your software about 19:30, you’ll be sat down at some point after the game has started. At least it hasn’t cost you anything. If you try and apply this evening, you may need to reapply tomorrow, sorry 🙁

Edit x 4: Remember once you’ve joined the club, you will need to register for the torunament (Club lobby -> Schedule -> Click the tourney on the list -> Register).

10 thoughts on “Full Tilt Might Be Crooks But At Least Their Software Worked (Festive Freeroll)

  1. Ian T

    Incredibly that’s exactly the same message I received last week! Let’s hope this week runs smoothly.

  2. David B

    Well I’m already logged in, in anticipation, and it’s looking perky and responsive thus far.

    I was told to install an update beforehand so maybe that helped.

  3. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

    I’m signed up as well. I will have my wits about me this time, so with any luck I won’t lose the majority of my chips on the first hand! 😀

    Hope all the Bother’s Bar punters had a great Christmas, I certainly did with my dad.

    1. Andy "Kesh" Sullivan

      And to get me in the pokerin’ mood, I’m noshing on some Tesco Milk Chocolate Poker Chips. They’re just the same as the chocolate coins we’re used to, just with poker chip designs on them. Red 5’s, green 10’s, blue 25’s and orange 50’s

  4. Brig Bother Post author

    I keep coming back every twenty minutes or so to make sure it hasn’t gone horribly wrong. I think it’s going to be TREMENDOUSLY exciting.

    1. Chris

      Having played on stars for two years last week was the worst I’ve ever seen it. Think it was just bad luck with the timings really

  5. Tom Scott

    Excellent. I’m in as “enyay”, with a brand new poker account. Since my poker style is “gobby and incompetent”, I expect to crash out very early on.

  6. Brig Bother Post author

    Absolutely amazing. Thanks for coming everybody, and look out for next week’s BIG MONEY Freeroll, sponsored by UKGameshows.com!


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