Deal or No Deal’s back today at 4pm

By | October 28, 2024

I don’t think I’ve seen any advertising for it outside of Stephen Mulhern’s Twitter. I’m slightly baffled by this new world of ITV advertising where they don’t seem to bother putting any effort into advertising the return of their popular shows (see also this year’s Big Brother). Last year it launched to a 2.5m overnight which was pretty incredible, can’t see it doing the same thing this time.

11 thoughts on “Deal or No Deal’s back today at 4pm

  1. Brig Bother Post author

    Although imagine the opener of the last series went the same way the opener of this series with Myles went. 15 minutes with a potential top prize of £50, hilarious!

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        A SURGE to 1.34m for episode two.

        I can’t quite get my head around how much ITV have dropped the ball on this. It seems difficult to believe that everyone’s suddenly gone “actually dropping the £250k box and having a predictable Banker WAS shit” and decided they just weren’t going to watch this time around. Daytime is about routine, and if that routine is to change you’ve got to let people know about it because it will take ages for people to cotton on otherwise.

        At least I saw an advert for it during Big Brother last night.

          1. Peter Volkovoy

            Today is actually Deal’s 19th Birthday! – I mean, it wasn’t on air continuously for 19 years (the original show only ended in 23.12.2016), but it’s been nineteen years since the show first began with Little Noely and the red box club on 31st October 2005

        1. Daniel Russell

          Oh really ? I never seen any advert for Deal Or No Deal during the breaks are they actually making an effort to show some promo for season 2 now ?


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