Stool Pigeon April 2021 Results

By | April 20, 2021

Not a huge amount but fairly decent quality, let’s get stuck in:

  • Social media sleuths have potentially figured out the lineup for s12 of taskmaster after one of the contestants posted about needing 10 unique outfits for something (the studio recordings) and found out that there were a few people who all followed each other and taskmaster related pages about the same time. It’s Alan Davies, Desiree Burch, Guz Khan, Morgana Thompson and Russell Kane.

Make of that what you will. Guz Khan ought to be quite good. Have suspicion Desiree Burch and Russell Kane would fit the format well. Naturally this might all be rubbish.

  • Cbbc are looking for a big event gameshow with the potential to be a co production with international production companies. They mentioned splatalot as an example, with the set potentially being built in another country but they can fly their UK audience to take part, when covid restrictions are lifted of course.

Raven: The One Set In India 2

  • Not sure if this stretches the definition of game shows…. BBC2 have commissioned a new series giving members of the public the chance to investigate police corruption. A fictional case is played out that is then investigated in real time. A game show Line of Duty. It’s a serious show, so won’t be called Bent Coppers I’m sure.

Can definitely understand the appeal of this, and have heard this on the grapevine elsewhere, although it makes me sad they stopped making Murder in Successville.

  • Studio Lambert are making an ‘immersive dating show’ for Amazon Prime Video which should be ready to air this autumn. The idea is that a group of UK singletons will move into a custom-build American High School, and do all the standard film fodder events such as cheer-leading tryouts and a prom.

This is just E4’s Sorority Girls, surely?

  • A new series of UK Total Wipeout is set to film (hopefully) this Summer on the set of the current TBS series. No host locked down for it yet, but I’m hearing that it could be Jordan North and Mollie King

Mmm, not sure – the point of making it in Argentina is that it was quite cheap, so unless there are suddenly massive economies of scale filming in Texas I’m not sure it’s worth it. Didn’t the Freddy and Paddy voiceover repeats do quite badly?

  • BBC are down to their final two new formats to choose which one to take to series for daytime meaning the other channels are now being bombarded with ‘new’ quiz shows that these companies have ‘jist come up with’ Rejected BBC ideas include one form of quiz chicken, one using a grabber, one using marbles, one using an internet search engine and at least two trying to do a quiz version of Masked Singer with answers.

Yep, was aware a grabber quiz was being looked at. Quite like the idea of Quiz Chicken. Obviously I’ll be taking anyone who does a marble racing quiz to court. Televised Internet Searching would be boring as, so that sounds correct. Masked Singer with answers? That’s just Pick Me isn’t it?

In other news that came to light today, there’s a new Taskmaster book coming out, and it sounds like it’s going full on Masquerade. Where will Greg Davies’ golden head (I presume) be buried?

Finally, just going to leave this here:

Worth clicking through for a minute promo vid – it looks like they’ve added Ask the Host as a lifeline, which is fun. Starts June 10th on TBS.

19 thoughts on “Stool Pigeon April 2021 Results

    1. David B

      Incidentally, isn’t Quiz Chicken just OutRight? And the internet search thing is probably what ‘Google That!’ will turn into when it gets commissioned. I imagine the contestants would be given the option to search for stuff, but buzzing in without it is better.

      Israel’s The Vault had a googling helpline in some of its series, so it’s not all that crazy.

      1. Brig Bother Post author

        I remember there was a Greg Scott pilot where one of the lifelines was “spend a minute looking at a search engine” and it was precisely as exciting and visual as that implied, except without the visual.

      2. Matt Clemson

        I feel an internet search gameshow is just the natural evolution of Domesday Detectives, except the technology underpinning it is no longer new and exciting.

        …which in turn is making me wonder if some sort of televised Geoguessr has potential.

          1. Chris M. Dickson

            Only extremely loosely; I was pleased to discover that covert videos are available so you can watch again and judge for yourself.

            Matt, a few people have tried real life Geoguessr on YouTube (if I put links in then the spam trap will probably moan) and I agree that there *is* something to it.

  1. Danny Kerner

    Didn’t we already get a nternet search engine based game and bombed badly on Dave. Beat the Internet.

  2. Danny Kerner

    Alan Davis S12 taskmaster lineup might actually not be a bad call if indeed information is correct. He was meant to present his new As yet untitled which i’m certain was meant to have come back by now. This could explain the delay.

  3. Danny Kerner

    Guz Khan would be upto the par quality of Jamali Maddix so if indeed true we could be looking at a great fall lineup series.

  4. Brandon

    Quiz chicken would probably turn out something like Face The Clock or that Every Second Counts pilot with The Other Mark Wahlberg, unfortunately. That grabber quiz rumour has been around for ages, every time it was mentioned before someone would bring up the Cubiscus from Families At War. A search engine quiz would be a contestant against online players, with supposedly un-Google able answers.

  5. Cliff

    Morgana Thompson? Should that read Morgana Robinson? She could be incredible on Taskmaster.

  6. Alex S

    The Total Wipeout one is interesting but I’m not sure I believe it. The main reason it was shot in Argentina was that the courses were already set up. Presumably if they’re recording a second season for TBS then it will already be good to go, I can’t see getting contestants to California being vastly more expensive than Argentina.

    That being said, the current TBS version isn’t great and a second season hasn’t been announced yet, and Holey Moley films in the same place, so they’re not likely to completely rebuild Wipeout if it’s not already standing to do an international version.

  7. Danny Lee Kerner

    So the social media sleuths worked out nearly the whole lineup. The rogue one was Russell Kane but could suggest he might be involved in Season 13. I guess the social media team will be advising the contestants not to follow each other in future as this created an almost accurate leak.


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