Starts 5th January on AVRO.
Ten celebs travel around Colombia taking in the sights and sounds and completing mental and physical tasks to earn money for a group pot, a pot that only one of them will take home. One of the contestants is a double agent, a Mole, working with the production team to try and sabotage the tasks without detection. The winner is not the person who is best at the tasks but the person who best works out who the mole is and tracks their actions as week by week the contestants must take a computer test to determine how much they know, the lowest scorer is immediately sent home.
This year we have a new host in ex-contestant Rik van de Westelaken.
Who are these people?
Probably most important, new host Rik van de Westelaken (middle) – newsreader, quiz show host, sometime host of Moltalk and winner of WIDM 2015 (discussed here). One of the ten celebs behind him will win money by completing tasks and uncovering which one of the ten is being paid to work against the team for our entertainment. But who is the mole?
- Nikkie de Jaeger – Dutch make-up Youtube star. Over 11m subscribers!
- Evelien de Bruijn – DJ and host.
- Jamie Trenité – Adventure and Science show host.
- Evi Hanssen – Flemish presenter, ex-host of Expedition Robinson.
- Rick Paul van Mulligan – Actor.
- Robert van Beckhoven – Professional baker.
- Merel Westrijk – Newsreader and morning show host.
- Niels Litooij – Electronic musical artist
- Sarah Chronis – Actress.
- Sinan Can – documentary maker.
A link to discussion of relevant episodes follows. We thank Friend of The Bar Marieke (here’s her Twitter) for reliably translating episodes in her spare time. We ask our international friends to hold off from commenting on an episode until the subtitled episodes have gone up.
Welcome to Bother’s Bar’s Wie is De Mol 2019 discussion page.
Gut feeling: It’s Evi. They tend to go for someone reasonably high-profile to capitalise on casting them, and she’s easily the biggest name here (yes Nikkie is Big On The Internet buuuut I don’t think that will necessarily translate to domestic tv ratings in the show’s target demographic).
Plus the guy she used to host Expeditie Robinson with is a former Mole, which seems like the sort of clue they’d love (he says, having just been reminded they somehow avoided the obvious joke about Dr. Diederik Jekel hiding in plain sight).
Happy New Year, everyone! I can’t think of a better way to kick off a new year than a new season of WIDM! Looking forward to another season of speculation, discussion, and molehunting with you all.
I also hope to at least do a bit better on the quiz this year than last. I pretty much banked it all on one person last season every week until that candidate was eventually eliminated. Whoops. It was the episode with the elimination on the train where this person was eliminated (trying not to give too much away in case there are people on here who haven’t watched the season but plan to do so in the future). I had all sorts of ridiculous (in hindsight) theories why I knew it had to be that person plus my gut had been telling me it was that person from the first episode. I think I’m still a bit in denial, haha. So that pretty much tanked my score last season….hopefully I won’t go down the wrong rabbit hole again this time…..regardless, I’m excited to find out and enjoy another season with you all!
Happy Mole Hunting!
Just in time to be gloriously up to date for two whole days, an update to the Mole challenge guide from a few years ago:
Yassss! I love seeing the history of all the challenges. I actually had the old one printed out and in a binder (I am both participating in a Mole game during a cruise later this year and also plan on producing an amateur version and uploading it on youtube). Thanks so much for making this!! ^_^
Incidentally, if you’re wondering: On a purely statistical level the most effective Mole in history is WIDM14’s, with the winner only getting 14.51% of the maximum possible prize (though the mail twist skews that a LOT; without it it’d be WIDM3 at 15.93%), while the least effective is the first Australian mole at 57.5%. And four of the worst seven are from the American version’s five seasons, for reasons that elude me.
Mail twist?
Regarding US moles being ineffective, I suspect that US producers would rather give away more money.
WIDM14 had a structure where each player had an envelope and could – if they wished – mail a sum of money from the pot (IIRC it wasn’t pooled in that series, with each player holding a share) to be sent to the final episodes. Those envelopes were safeguarded against interference, but had to be won back at the end of the game; plus there was a gimmick that you posted them [i]to[/i] a player you thought would be present at that stage of play (and if you were correct the amount was doubled, IIRC?)
If I remember correctly, several envelopes weren’t collected, so a big chunk was lost as a result. Been a while since I saw it, though!
There might have been a major hint given out in the preseason Mol Talk show- here’s a link to a screenshot of it for future reference (though I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s just a coincidence- but I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s right):
That’s a clever one. As long as they don’t overdo the number of clues like they did a few years ago, it should be good.
Oh interesting. Surely that’s too obvious a hint though?
I know- that’s why I’m not sure (I know they sometimes will throw “hints” that suggest someone else because they know people will be looking for them to throw them off- and since this was on Mol Talk and not the actual show it could be said it’s not “official” anyway)
First Episode is Up
Mol time! Episode one is out and translated!
That was fast. I thought it would have taken ages to translate.
As I was a fan of Nikki after watching the first episode simply because of the Guns and Roses shirt I decided to look up her YouTube channel and was surprised to hear all the videos I watched her speak in pretty much perfect English rather than Dutch!
There are some funky things going on with jokers…
And they’re playing with editing the test and execution. Instead of seeing everyone’s thoughts before the execution, we’re getting the thoughts as their names are called during the execution.
Hate to say it, slightly underwhelmed by the opener, especially after last year’s jaw-dropper.
Jury out on Rik as it’s only his first episode, right now lacks sense of mystery or Art’s cheerful mischeviousness but it’s early days.
Really dislike the way they’ve edited the elimination, executions need to be a short sharp shock I think for drama, but again will wait to see if that’s a one-off or the new way of doing things.
None of this week’s challenges insta-classics (what’s the betting that the heaviness of chests featuring the exemptions inversely proportional to the amount the producers want them to stay on board?).
However. However however. Next week is looking pretty good with good Mole-y tasks, and I quite like the idea of choosing to sacrifice jokers to have a chance of winning an exemption.
I think the difference in the way the elimination was edited is just because of the twist for this episode, or at least I hope it is.
I Have to agree on Rik i know its early but didn’t like him as the host that much hopefully its just we are so used to Art and he will grow on us as it is early days.
Hopefully the way they edited the elimination was just a one of because of the twist
I dont seee them keeping the execution editing like that because it makes it obvious it will be down to the last person everytime. I just think it was due to the twist.
I wonder if the crates heaviness is a clue to the mole. They only really focused on one being light and the rest were heavy.
It would probably be pretty hard to top last year so they probably just thought best not to try even bothering. I hope the elimination goes back to normal next week, although I did enjoy the editing where they cut back to opening the crates.
At least the pot started off to a positive figure this year!
It was an OK start to the season. It felt more of a setup that would happen in the middle of the season than the start. If they would have started with the Joker twist I think it would have felt more spectacular like we are used to for the start of the season.
The host was OK. It will take a while to get use to. He seems to friendly right now but he did turn on the sternness for the execution. On the fence at the moment.
Prime suspects right now are (in no particular order) Nikkie, Jamie and Niels. I dont have a strong gut feeling like I did last year right out of the gate. Im leaning more towards a female Mole this year because the timing feels right since the last three seasons have had male moles but that means nothing. I have a feeling the mole going to lay a bit lower this year after last years fantastic in your face molery, the candidates might be more on the look out for that type of behavior.
Going to definately have to watch a second time to see if I can catch anything new and to start my mol journal.
That opening scene was great. I love this show so much.
“At least I’m not the Ron Boshzard of this season.” Hahaha, aww. Poor Ron.
The dancing challenge just made me smile a lot. And well done them all succeeding!
The bike was a mess, and as usual with this version I love the meta commentary. “You expect people to have watched previous seasons, but there was no radio discipline!” Haha
There’s one person that’s already jumped out at me, and bonus, this time they weren’t eliminated first! Well. In the first episode, anyway.
Also did I miss something – what’s the thing with the Joker? I didn’t quite understand the significance, but when it cut to the after-show hosts they were freaking out.
There are exemptions hidden inside some of them.
Are we still doing the suspect list this year?
Depends how busy Dan is, I gather.
If he is too busy I dont mind pulling one together. Give it a few more days though, sometimes it takes him a bit to get one going.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, game show lovers and those with social lives…. (ahem)
Welcome to The Suspect List 2019! Can you work out who the Mole is? Prove it! Each week, submit a suspect list from who you think is most likely to be the Mole, to least likely, and get more points the higher up the list you put the Mole. You can submit once after each episode, and you may play a joker to double the points for that week on a week of your choice. If you play it more than once, it will go on the first week you played it on. If you forget, tough, no extra points for you!
This week’s Suspect List can be found here:
Okay.. i think the Mole for me is Sarah.. something about her seems to put some ideas into my head..
I mean, if you went into this season expecting them to live up to last year’s premiere, you would have been disappointed. With a new host (and one who isn’t an immediately natural presenter) and less of a big shocking twist, it was never going to exceed 18×01.
However, it still feels fun. Yes, Rik’s a touch wooden and trying to be Art rather than find his own niche, but it certainly wasn’t a bad premiere, just a little quieter than you might have expected.
Gut feeling is Evi/Niels but that’s based on very little. Nikkie is a star and hopefully lasts as long as possible. Sinan feels like a try-hard early boot and Dutch Paul Hollywood is a bit too normal.
I think they wanted to start things a bit slower to give Rik a chance to get used to the hosting role- once things get going a bit, I suspect things will ramp up.
I’m proud of myself, I remembered to save my votes for the Suspect List unlike the first week.. and a couple others… last year. I hope to not have to bother you as much this time, Dan.
Give it time
Ouch :'(
Ep 2 is up!
I was utterly confused by the first task, I eventually made out a ‘4’ but not much else!
In the maze, I couldn’t help noticing one of the contestants picked up their name card rather than the money, not sure if that is significant or not.
I was then utterly confused (again) by the third task. What was the point of them watching each other? I get it confused them when they saw someone walk out whilst €50 was on ‘their’ screen but it didn’t seem to add much to the challenge in the end.
At least they’re back to the traditional execution, surely it is worth cracking open a Joker in the chance of a full blown exemption though? The fact three contestants tied at the bottom suggests to me nobody has much of a clue at the moment, I just wish I could remember half the names to the faces!
Oh I thought the first task was quite clever, but suspect it’s the sort of thing you’ll either see immediately or not be able to do at all. Just try and picture a box around each of the numbers, and that you’re reading it from the white bits not the black bits.
RE; The third task-
There were 4 offers for them to leave- for 50,150,250, and a joker. But the offers rotated between the 4 rooms, which they didn’t know- so in Room A, they might see a joker being offered, but when they see people in Room B leave on the other screen, they would think they took jokers, while Room B was actually offered 150 a person to leave.
The Mole could only really sabotage the group he/she was in- either by convincing them to leave at a bad offer, or by convincing them to stay the entire time (saying the object was perhaps not to leave, or saying there might be better offers coming) which would result in a minus 250 per person (if they were told the order that the rooms were shown the offers, TM could calculate what the total was based on who had left the other rooms)
Ooo, I thought Nikki was sabotaging hard core because I thought it was so obvious where the numbers were, but after John R’s comment, maybe it isn’t so clearcut to everyone. Brig Brother must be correct that some people can see it right away and some can’t see it at all – which just adds to the confusion and suspicion during the game.
I loved both the Laser task and the Offer task. I thought the offer task was clever — I think the intent was is you saw $250 was on the table those people might want to take the offer and try to tell everyone to take the offer through body language. And thus cause miscommunication when people are tryin to tell eachother to leave or stay through the monitors. Meanwhile, if you see a Joker on your screen and someone else (unknown to you) is leaving because of $ you’ll be in the mindset of “Oh crap 3 people in the other room just took a joker, let’s all go take a joker too”. And then the final twist at the end “If you can still see this $250 will be taken from the pot” was perfect to penalize those who just waited around.
I only had 4 suspects last week. This week 3 of them continued to bing on my Mole-dar meanwhile the 4th got executed – ^_^.
Also wanted to add…
The first task started on the number 11. I am convinced there must be a reason for this and that it hints at The Mole… but I have no clue who it would incriminate.
Also, I find it weird that Rick Paul came back with $50. It seems like the reasonable assumption is each person has 2 piles and that each person can get up to $250. It seemed that each person had between $100-$150 under each pile. If this theory is accurate, then Rick would have either intentionally dropped money or somehow not realized there was money left behind when he picked up his first bill.
Oh, and I was confused as to why Nikki said she spoke 3 languages… then when they asked her which ones she only said English & Dutch… and then it never seemed to be questioned that she only listed 2 langauges? o_O
Nikkie said she spoke 2 languages from the beginning.
Rick Paul said 3 from that first question.
Another possibility is that an early runner interfered with other player’s piles. I am pondering about the fact that whoever went second – was it Merel? – seemed to take a long time. Interfering? Could have been any of the first few, mind.
Week 2 of The Suspect List Week 2 can be found here!
I noticed that during the laser task, it looks like Sarah took the wooden name tag rather than the money right before falling off. But rather than hooking onto that clue, I noticed they looked like the same name tags in the crates in the first episode. What do you think are the odds those tags will keep popping up, and the Mole’s will have something hidden inside theirs, like the Jokers?
Thats actually a great guess, I imagine the wood has something to do with it, i noticed too they are using the wood for cases for the ipads as well. I first thought it might be a clue about the jokers but they out right told them about it. Rik hinted around that maybe the jokers held other items outside of exemptions as well. So I think the wood in general is a hint. Especially since they normally use envelopes.
When so many players mentioned Evi was their main suspect, I knew she had to be eliminated. Poor her though, if she’d stayed in it could have become a Ruben situation where everyone else is completely wrong and she has an easy victory.
I don’t think it’ll be super important, but one of the challenges in the preview for Episode 3 has kind of turned up before, in a series of preseason webisodes showing the audition process for the Junior spinoff.
More interestingly is the preview doesn’t feature the red screen at the end like usual, so maybe another non-elimination?
There should be someone eliminated every episode to come. There are always 10 episodes and 7 eliminations and one finale. So there is always 1 episode where nobody goes home. However, there has been a season with 4 finalists…. so we never know, but I’m 90% sure someone will get cut again next week, too soon after each other. But how is a different question…
My guess is that it will be a cliffhanger, they will all go up one by one and see their screen and no one will leave quite yet, and then the candidates will have a chance to save someone by putting at risk someone else. They did something similar to it on the Belgian Mole and it played out really nice. That’s the only thing I can think of. But knowing them they probably have something more devious up their sleeves.
Hey guys!
I have a question as I know most of you watch with the subtitles. As you probably know, I get the Dutch subtitles all coded and well from the website and all I have to do is translate the text from Dutch to English. I’ve noticed that this year it seems like the timing is a bit off. A lot of the subs don’t stay up long enough for someone to finish the sentence. Now I do watch it once with subtitles when I watch it with my friend who I’m doing this all for so I usually see it once all the way through with subs and it sometimes bothers me a little but I don’t have to depend on them to read them properly.
Do you feel like sometimes you don’t really have enough time to read it or it’s confusing because someone has already started talking and there aren’t any subs yet or they are removed too soon?? My friend said it was still very readable but let me know what you think. Maybe I’ll spend some time next week fixing it a bit. But only if I get some feedback that it would definitly improve it.
And as for my mole. I really think it’s a woman this time around. I know they don’t look at it that way and always pick the best mole from the group but come on… 4 guys in a row??
I thought Merel was being very weird that first episode but this second one, she seems a bit more fanatical and honest. Evelien seemed fanatical in the first episode but staying seated seems a very mole like thing to do. Especially since the guys gave her 2 options to leave very clearly…
But Sarah is my nr 1. Partially because of a gut feeling but also since she followed Evi in that first episode knowing it would mess up her assignment cos she couldn’t be at the church in time. In the first assignment this episode, she said some weird stuff (02 instead of 04) and what she did with those lasers is just weird…
Hi! Thanks again for subbing! I haven’t really noticed it much. I noticed a bit of unsynching in the first episode but dont remember where. Other than that no issues!
Great to hear your thoughts on the mole. I am leaning towards a woman mole this year as welll for the same reason. I have Nikki as my top suspect because she seems to be holding back a bit. Sarah is my second because she has done some sabotaging and is just generally suspect.
Thanks SO much for your work on the subtitles. As for your question, I personally have not had any difficulty reading them either episode so far this season and I don’t recall noticing any issues with the subtitles disappearing too quickly, etc. They’ve seemed just fine to me. Again, your efforts on making the subtitles are appreciated very, very much.
Ditto, much appreciated, personally don’t have issues with the timing.
Thanks SO MUCH for subbing Marieke – I haven’t noticed any issues with the subtitle timing, it’s all been great so far.
Thank you so much for your translating Marieke!
No I’ve never had an issue of reading subs – I’ve always felt I’ve had enough time to read them ^_^
There was another potential clue- or another potential coincidence/red herring if you pay attention to one question in the execution quiz…and either the producers had a eureka moment or picked some of the celebs specifically for this reason…
I agree with those that have commented so far- the timing of the subtitles is working just fine. Thank you for the time you put into making the Mole accessible to us!
Ok guys, I have a big problem…
There was a kid that uploaded the same video as I did and posted a comment saying ‘I already uploaded this’ and I went to check and it said ‘with subtitles’ (in english) but it only had Dutch subtitles. So far so good. Nobody else was doing this…
But he changed the title of the video and and added my English subs. And when I called him out on it. He filed a copyright complaint and my video is gone…
Could you gusy either comment or send him a message on
Maybe we should scare him in retracting the violation??
I don’t know what to do. It’s registered as an official claim as he uploaded the exact same video before I did so in YouTube’s mind, he’s right…
Then again…. if he gets 3 violation strikes in my name, my entire channel is gone…
Yes, you’re in a tough position here – of course Arvo could get you (and him) taken down at any point and then the whole thing’s moot, it’s not worth the drama.
My gut suggests just ignore the arsehole, I know it’s galling, but when people come to donate they’re going to donate to you not him – you’re the channel most people will be subscribed to.
Worst comes to worst, you could make your videos unlisted. Or move to (urgh) Dailymotion.
Yeah, the whole channel isn’t even about the donations. I mean, I am so grateful for it. I do enjoy it a lot but after like 6 weeks I do get a bit like pfff it’s every saturday and sundaymorning… and at that point the donations are a way of making me do this easily cos of the gesture from you guys.
I e-mailed him again saying look, why don’t you just upload it with Dutch subs cos 80% of my channel is Dutch people just wanting an easier way to see them and I don’t even want those viewers. It’s not about views either. It’s just for the few hundred like you. And why don’t you just leave the English subs to me… I hope it was all something that got a bit out of hand and he’s going to lift the strike even though I’ve uploaded again now.
I just really hope this won’t be a weekly thing. Everytime he uploads the video earlier than me, he could have my video taken down, and with 3 strikes my entire channel will be gone. I’m not sure if I can upload srt files to Daily Motion… If I put it as unlisted, I know how to find you guys but there are plenty of other people that do want to see it and I can’t be sending out the link without him getting to it if he really wants to…
I guess I’ll have to see where this whole thing goes… If it’s not there tomorrow morning, you know what happened…
Update: he has set his own English subs and will try and get the strike removed. So no need to to go on a witchhunt for now
This all feels a bit strange to me. If you uploaded it first, then how did he get to copyright-strike you over something that the channel it was originally broadcast on owns anyway? By copyright-striking you, he’s actually making it much more likely that Avro will get the whole lot taken down,both his videos and yours.
Blimey that’s quick, ep 3 is up.
That was a very sneaky ending. The beams were an incredible effect, and I probably should’ve seen the outcome coming. Dammit! Now I’ll be shivering with anticipation all week.
Damn this show! From a dodgy start to the execution editing in Week 1 to potentially one of the best setups EVER this week…and then they did *that* at the end which I didn’t see coming at all! Argh!
Arrrrhhh!!! that ending though
3 Episodes in still not liking rik as a host
Based on the ending…
I have a feeling that the person with the red screen will NOT be leaving immediately…
And it sounds like someone (Niels?) who opened their joker is going to try to put it back together and pawn it off on someone… haha.
I wonder if we might be looking at another instance of “*You* know that you’re eliminated, but you can stay in if you can stop the rest finding out that it’s you”
Just saw an advert during Dancing on Ice for Small Fortune, “coming this Februrary”.
They couldn’t fit The Cube into Pinewood, so here is Tiddlywinks instead!…and Our Cilla sadly passed away in 2015 so here is Our Dermot O’ Leary for thurrr Moment Of Tru…err Small Fortune!
Week 3 of The Suspect List can be found here:
And here are the results of Week 1 and Week 2’s bonus questions;
Is the mole:
A man: 23%
A woman: 77%
How many candidates were in The Mole’s room at the start of ‘Offers in 4 rooms’:
2: 30%
3: 70%
I’m warming to Rik.
I have to say, that set-up for the execution was exceptional. I think the tasks have taken a step back compared to the last two series (although the 3D puzzle was a good one), but it’s great they’ve maintained a keen eye for dramatic locations.
That’s odd… I feel like the majority of challenges in the last 2/3 seasons have been less entertaining to watch than seasons past. But have not felt underwhelmed yet this season (although the clothes and box in river tasks I didn’t care for).
My gut feeling is we’ll eventually find out Colombia was a last-minute backup location. So far this season has the same kind of feel as the Iceland and Sri Lanka visits, both of which were backups (for Morocco because of the Arab Spring making producers nervous and Russia because of MH17, respectively). Like there’s things to like, but surely THIS isn’t the best they could come up with, you know?
It’s definitely an improvement on the US season’s constant reliance on bland cowboy-themed tasks, and on all of the generic challenges in the Dominican Republic, but this is also a really poor follow-up to last year even if you go into it with lower expectations because they can’t possibly live up to that marvelousness.
I think they missed a trick in the Jenga game- they should have used a larger version of it.
Pretty much called that ending. And its probably going to be a a twist in you have to keep secret you got red screened and if you don’t your out type of thing next. I thought it was cool with the lights though and how when the exemption was played their light went green automatically and no one noticed.
I love the preview for next week, it seems that Niels is going to try to get some info from someone using his joker he busted open. I noticed the way that it opened it was perfect and he could easily put it back together. That is some crazy level thinking there.
Still in on Nikkie or Sinan being the Mole, but not sure 100%. I still dont have a instant gut feeling like last year.
wow episode 4 up already
That must be some sort of record! I suspect the elimination(s) this episode may ruffle a few feathers with several watchers! I’m sticking with something I spotted several episodes ago for now and feeling smug, which naturally means they’ll be out in the next episode!
what did you spot a few episode ago
Now baffled by the decision to use a cliffhanger in the last episode. I don’t see why they couldn’t have shown the result in the episode, bit bizarre.
Also it’s been a while since we’ve had quite a fractious and argumentative group. It feels very different this year!
The Suspect List week 4 is available here:
Last week I asked who did The Mole play against in Joker Jenga? Top 3 reponses:
Didn’t play anyone (30%)
Merel (26%)
Nikkie, Sarah (13%)
Yes, it feels like a very different atmosphere in the group this year – whereas most groups ultimately end up laughing their failures off, this lot seem to be feeling genuine annoyance. I did quite enjoy the high drama of that ending though. I hope we’ll find out at the final (imagine a live final where nobody wants to talk to each other) whether that joker was the difference between staying and going home.
My gut is roaring “it’s Jamie” at me increasingly week on week.
Extra footage was released on the joker situation.
Niels opened his and lost his joker. He could apparently just put it back together and it would stick. He decided he wanted to swap it for Eveliens. While on the bus he had Eveliens bag next to him in the aisle and Evelien was sitting behind them on the back row. He asked Sarah if he should do it, she wasn’t too keen and he was on his own. However, Sarah then sat behind them blocking Eveliens view from her bag. He then had free range to swap them. In the hotel he showed Sarah and she then knew about the whole thing. He asks her what she got out of helping him and Sarah is says she’ll think about what she wants in return from him…
Very interesting episode this week. Evelien was the #1 suspect on the official app this week (1% between her and second/third both on 15%).
I think I spotted a clue in the boat game, but I can’t be certain what it means.
I suspect the cliffhanger (as I said on the podcast) last week was to try and keep Nikkie’s fans watching for one more episode.
Yeah im super pissed about that. If they are going to do a cliffhanger there needs to be a payoff. It ruined the episode for me because the whole time im thinking “whats the catch” instead of focusing on the show.
That’s exactly what I was thinking, I was expecting the next episode to start with a twist where the other players can take some money from the pot to bring back the eliminated player or something along those lines.
Well there goes my #1 suspect since Week 1.
Which is probably good, because I actually think I saw odd behavior leaning towards who the real Mole is.
I’m not sure how bad to feel for Evelien, for all we know she would have been eliminated if she played her Joker as well. We won’t really know until the finale I suppose.