Sundays, 8pm local time,
Der-derderderdunnaderderderderder-DER-DER! Yes! For the first time we’re going to attempt a discussion page for the superb Belgian version of De Mol. Ten contestants attempt to complete challenges in Mexico, but one of them is a plant out to sabotage. To stay in the game and win all the money, the contestants must deduce who… is The Mole?
As a UK site, we ask our international friends to refrain from spoiling until the English subtitled version appears.
Direct links to episode discussion:
Who are the contestants? With an average age of 38, from left to right, first row than second:
- Lloyd, 21, Student
- Pascale, 44, Marine Officer
- Jeffrey, 40, Driver
- Kelly, 39, Psychologist
- Bahador, 27, Financial Recruiter
- Joke, 32, Veterinarian
- Channy, 26, Social Assistant
- Steve, 60, Doctor
- Pieter, 33, Priest
- Katrien, 54, Events Manager
What twists and turns do we have to look forward to? Can’t wait.
37.7 is an astonishing average age for a show in 2018. I believe it might be the highest average age of any major show ever.
My money is on Steve purely because his intro was the only one where I could see them cutting out him saying “Oh, and I’m also the Mole” but maybe with a side of Katrien or Pieter if they really want to make it funny.
I am so sick of competition shows having Joke contestants!
Ahem. Sorry. I am quite excited for this, last year was the first I watched and I thought it brilliant.
Here is a pre-show that talks about the new series BUT there are SPOILERS from the past two series so watch at your own risk.
I LOVE the “Mole Cafe” concept, it’s so cute! Haha
Yes! Haha I wouldnt mind visiting that cafe. As long as its not my coffee being sabotaged
Meh, unless I make my own coffee, I feel like I get my coffee sabotaged A LOT already. I’m more than willing to risk it (McDonalds here in the US always insists on adding flavoring to my iced coffee, for some reason only half of them understand the concept of not adding a flavor to an iced coffee… and Starbucks seems to forget my coffee wrong 20% of the time… and even though I ask for iced coffee 99% of the time, a lot of places assume that since it’s freezing outside that I wanted a hot coffee -_-).
Why did I just go on that rant :|. Alas, submitting POST COMMENT anyways.
And we’re off- they’ve blocked it already…
Yep they are quick to block the Belgium series. Keep an eye out on the daily motion page and it will be up there eventually. Its hosted by the same person doing it on YT. They also have a google drive link in the description.
It’s up now (note- it’s in 2 parts)
Uh oh, content blocked.
Crap, was planning to rewatch it for the Suspect List. The first time was more purely for enjoyment.
There’s a Drive and mega link on Youtube — don’t want to post them directly just in case.
Wooohooo love the mole
So this was a really good episode. Very on the nose with the whole Cliffhanger game, and I think I have two main suspects currently.
I always forget how stunningly directed Belgian Mole is, and backed up with great challenges (what’s the smallest place you can do an escape room?), although a pity that the mariachi one was a retread of the cycling one from last hear. Also love the show’s rather cruel sense of humour, especially in the bullring. Love Gilles as host, love the idea of the cliffhanger – I womder how they’ll play that in future weeks.
i assume their going do a hostage mission with joke next episode. She presumably is exempt from the next quiz/execution due to that.
Too early to decide the mole, but my first suspect was kelly. too bad i was wrong…. not sure about how there gonna incorparate more “Cliffhangers”.
That ending felt a bit dramatic O_o.
One of the contestants at the beginning said “I’m lying here” while in the coffin. I wonder if that word (lying) has the same two meanings in Belgian like it does not English (to lay down, and to **deceive**).
I’m wondering if the bible is a hint that the Mole is the Priest, but most likely just a red herring.
I definitely saw the “lying” line and shouted “OH COME ON” at my computer.
If dutch is like my language liggen means to lie down and liegen means to lie to someone so they are different verbs that are the same in english. In European languages we have a lot of different verbs that english combines into one word
THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD. The opening with Gilles driving then cutting to the people in the coffins.. damn.
Also the rock music kicking in as they had just spotted the graves was awesome. So hype.
… also Gilles is beautiful. Why do I always have a crush on various Mole hosts? it started all the way back with Anderson Cooper, and may have been one of my earliest crushes that helped me figure out things about myself… I was 13 at the time.
Haha, making them think a bull would come out was funny enough, but them chasing the chickens was hilarious.
WHAT IS THE CLIFFHANGER? gah. The Belgian versions likes its twists, doesn’t it?
For those who crave it, I’ve put up a Suspect List Lite for De Mole 2018!
It works differently to the normal suspect list – you have 100 points to split amongst your Mole candidates. Any you put on the actual Mole count towards your score.
You can submit EACH WEEK with the following link (so bookmark it or whatever):
As it’s not Dutch Mole, I may not be publicising it each week and generally putting less time into it, but it’s there for us all to have a go at, in the mean time. I’ve submitted for this week and it turns out its bloody hard!
See, I badgered for it mainly cause I’m editing the bit where I give my theories at the moment (podcast is up tomorrow!) and I’m quite blinkered onto one suspect right now, for better or for worse.
You do a podcast for De Mol? Where doth one listen to said podcast?
Just started doing it! If you click the link on my name you’ll find the blog where we post them.
Well, my life is odd. Gilles de Coster has heard the podcast already.
Can someone explain the cliff hanger to me? I watched it and I really cannot understand what happened.
Did the person who received it get thrown off the show? Or are we not meant to know what happened?
I don’t think so, it probably said something like ‘do not read aloud’ and then a set of instructions, and they’ll probably be doing the next challenge for an exemption or something.
The point of the cliffhanger is that you tune in next time to find out what happens!
See, I initially thought it was an exemption game, but something about them making a deal over Gilles asking for the Molebook makes me think there might be more to it.
It’s very interesting to me looking at the aesthetic differences between the two shows. WIDM still holds true to that analog, inky, typewriter on brown paper feel, whereas De Mol is solely clean lines and digital/glitch effects. The most obvious difference is in the two logos and fingerprint graphics. The collapsing of the traditional player intros found in WIDM’s opening titles into De Mol’s recap also stands out to me as an interesting and different choice.
As far as which is better? It’s hardly a simple choice, I do like both. I think De Mol makes better use of graphics in order to convey progress through challenges but it’s hard for me to pass up the typewriter.
Both shows’ main and recurring themes are strong but I gotta give De Mol props for that execution bed and accompanying sound effects. A perfect balance of constant tension without giving away when it ends.
This is gonna be a good season, and it’ll be a pleasure watching along with y’all.
Giles “…they will win the first cliffhanger..”
Me “Cliffhange? Do they mean twist and translated it wrong?”
*30 Minutes Later*
Anyways! Loved this first ep. Strong start the opening game is one of my favorites but honestly nothing can top WIDMs this year. I do like how De Mol adds twists and layers to the game. I cant wait to see what the heck that cliffhanger was and why Gille took the Mol Diary off Kelly. And a tie the first execution! I guess since jokers and exemptions are extremely rare in De Mol it will happen more often.
As for my Mole I have no idea Joke, Lloyd, Pascale, and Pieter are all on my radar. Its a bit harder with civillians because they dont have ‘characters’ they play on the TV already. But it does make the game more interesting because the production takes more risks, i.e. everyone pooing themselves thing a bull was going to come out into the ring.
Episode 2 up usual place not sure if should share link or not since don’t want it to get pulled
Ahhh, another brilliant episode, was sort of right about the Cliffhanger (I note it’s not something they’re setting up for every episode), three great challenges, I thought the blindfold one was particularly cleverly constructed but the other two were fun as well.
I’ve got no clue who the Mole is, but I like the group.
“I see it in your eyes.”
“I’m wearing sunglasses.”
I have a main suspect after this episode, which probably means they’ll get eliminated in the next one…oh well.
No shock to lose who went though, I had to think ‘who’ when they kept popping up throughout the episode anyway!
This episode was a doozey my top three were very active this episode, and thankfully one of my 0 pointers went home this week.
I do find it puzzling why the players in the truck didnt want the deal even if it was one joker. One joker is a advantage if the others have none, especially early in the game. So many moley things happend that assignment definitely will have to re watch.
The blind fold was great I am surprised they did so well in the quiz and didnt touch the journals! I would have ripped that blind fold off the minute Gilles walked off. And the base ball was a twist on a classic!
OVerall another great episode!!!!!
This fugitive challenge is great. So dynamic, and the negotiations between Joke and particularly Lloyd are so interesting.
Did.. did Pieter, the Priest, just say “goddamn it”? It wasn’t subtitled in English, but that’s how I’ve been reading it. He definitely swore other things.
“Lloyd regrets it! I can see it in his eyes!” “No you don’t, I’m wearing sunglasses.” Hahahaha.
Oh no they’re showing the contestants getting drunk, I bet the challenge the next morning will be early and physical.
I like them messing with the blindfolded people, all, “Oh, this is so beautiful!” And Jeffrey dryly saying, “I’ll see it on TV” was a solid response.
oh my god leaving them blind trying to find their way is so cruel and brilliant. That lady guiding them was a saint.
Did.. did the priest just marry Katrien and Jeffrey?
Jeffrey walking into every pole and their guide saying ‘sorry’ gets funnier each time.
Ha, I guess I bought into the show’s joke about marrying them. But that being said, it’s amazing that they got all three questions right. Unless one of them is the mole. Still, what a productive day. Such a nice change of pace from the Dutch version, hah.
Nooo, not Channy. I really liked her! Alas!
The first challenge was sensational; Interceptor meets a negotiation game. It would have been better played if they had been able to come to a 2-2-2-2 agreement, and probably if the four of them had teamed up then it would have quite plausible for them to go to the location on the far side of the hacienda and pick up the other four. The question is whether they could have got these other four to the urn and split them 3-3-3-3 or whether the couple in the helicopter would have played hardball, because they have a paintball gun too, and required a 2-2-2-2-2-2 split…
This show is packed with fantastic ideas!
It totally crossed my mind that going along to all the other places and picking up the jokers in the car as an idea – pity they didn’t explore it!
Rewatching episode 1, and my video buffered at this .. rather unfortunate moment:
Just noticed that Ep 3 is coming later in the week, so if you’re wondering where it is, well now you know.
Episode up on usual platforms.
That was an intense episode. Classic ending game and slightly predictable boot given the usual tropes being prevalent but stellar episode nevertheless.
I’m guessing the way the Mole knew which person was eliminated in advance is by what specific question was revealed to everyone- they were told that if it’s this question, it’s this person, if it’s a different question, it’s this person, etc. Whatever the answer was had nothing to do with it.
In this case I’d think the Mole might have been told to try and protect the pot as much as possible; get a case with as much money as they could, and try and keep a large amount away from the potential eliminee (someone was likely going to buy a joker anyway, especially if they were spooked by the question reveal- I’m wondering if the jokers even mattered in the end).
I’m sure Gilles will tell us in the (seemingly-live this year) reunion – he did with the special elimination last year.
My Mole suspicion is pretty solid at the moment – there were a lot of things pointing to them this weke.
With that theory could the mole therefore be the contestant shown answering the children question during the test footage?
My Mole went this episode anyway so back to square one! With all the Tequila shots flowing this series I’ve now changed my guess to Phillip Schofield.
Also unless I missed it Giles took the mole diary from the eliminated contestant in Ep1 and Ep3 but not in Ep2?
As I’ve said in the past, The Mole is basically a hugely entertaining guessing game for the audience and that anything and everything can be a clue once you’ve tuned into a certain mindset.
But sometimes I hear people go “oh, my Mole is gone” and find the choice completely baffling!
Man, can’t wait for the reunion show.
Belgian Mole is so good at mixing light and dark – the first two challenges had some wit behind them, and even though you can see the punchlines coming a mile off they still land effectively. You knew they were going to get drunk, you knew the dancers were going to be joined by twenty other people. You knew the contestants were going to look silly trying to sing. And it was still amusing. And then I laughed at the idea of stopping a stunt racing driver in his tracks by having an old man with a zimmerframe cross the road. For all its high-faluting production values, it does very well to throw in some quite low comedy at times.
And then the final challenge punches everyone in the face. I’ll miss Jeffrey.
They seem to have gome quite big on mini-challenges this year.
Loved the mole so damn much glad we have people doing subs for this & the dutch version
Be very interesting to see if anybody buying a pasvragen saved them or was it always going to be Jeffrey going.
The sombrero task is close to impossible, right? Even if you don’t factor in them watching each other and generally being terrible, that would be incredibly difficult. Though it occurred to me at the end, when they were testing the keys.. it would be a pretty brazen mole action if they had the right key but pretended it didn’t work.
The driving challenge was both cool and funny. This version likes to have really convoluted tasks, but they’re almost always good fun.
Oh god this twist is BRUTAL. And the conversations have so many possible implications about who the Mole is. Stunning work.
I think the Sombrero task was damn near impossible. Unless you’re lucky enough to guess the memory game immediately, you have zero chance of everyone paying attention long enough.
…Still no fourth ep.
They replied to a comment saying it would be delayed this week as they’ve been a bit too busy to do it, which you can appreciate with it taking so long to do each episode.
Episode 4 is up. The whole description is worth reading though.
And it’s now been removed. That was quick.
And it’s already been deleted. That was quick.
Yeah, it looks like they’re having difficulty getting it to stay up, and with the blocks being as they are, they can’t even communicate to us via the video details.
It looks like they have put the subtitle file up somewhere for people to use – as far as I can tell from the small bit of blurb from the search! – but it cuts off before an actual link. I’ll look into seeing if there are ways an outside user can get hold of the video file from the official website, you can with Dutch WIDM.
it’s back up for now, but it sounds like she’s getting a little frustrated with the whole thing…
I don’t blame her, it really looks like it’s been a struggle!
I’ve been trying to figure out the logistics of whether it’s possible to source raw copies of the video ourselves – I can stream from vier, but I haven’t yet found a way to actually extract the video into a local file in order to overlay the subs – it does look like there’s been some movement with youtube-dl on that front, from looking at their update repository, but I’m not sure where they currently stand with it.
I’m amused to note that, having found the issue reports on youtube-dl for the ‘vier not downloading’ problem, the sample videos indicated are… De Mol ones. There’s another fan out there!
As best as I can tell, it works, and should be in the released version when they next do a usable build, I believe. I wonder if that’s sufficient for Natalia’s purposes without triggering copyright strikes; releasing .srts, and expecting us to acquire video files off our own bat.
The preview for next week looks amazing.
Aaaaaaaaand the account’s been deleted by YouTube for content strikes.
Frustrating. I’m happy to watch without subs on the Belgian site but although I can work out the challenges, I miss out on the social game which is a shame.
Still, I think the subber for their efforts thus far.
she’s put some links up to the text files, so that’s something…
I’m wondering if the reason this is happening more with this version than the Netherlands Mole is because in the Netherlands it’s on a public broadcaster, while in Belgium it’s on a commercial one?
A link to the Episode 4 video and its subtitles are available on the alternate video site (the one with Motion that you can use Daily). I don’t know how long that will last, but at least it’s a way to watch it.
The cut from Lloyd playing the video game with a character being slammed transitioning into a real person being slammed was very cool.
Hahahaha, Pieter pissing off the luchador so he starts showing him that the moves can really hurt. They did really well actually.
I respect how well they organized the elevator task, with agreeing that they would all race, no hard feelings, but go for the envelopes. Also Katrien being supportive of Baha was very sweet.
Wow! I thought Lloyd had it for sure when I heard the floors they’d start at – I thought he was early enough he could make up more time, but late enough he wouldn’t get worn out. Joke is amazing though! The fact that the finish was so close between the two of them and the elevator was awesome, too. I love that they just used a continuous shot to show them all arriving within a few seconds of each other.
Noo, Katrien! She was great. Alas. Again, I like this group a lot.
Wow, the preview for the next episode looks tense.
First off, I know that Natalie is sometimes reading Bother’s Bar, so if you are here – you are amazing, dank u wel for all the efforts!
Well, here goes my mole, I’m really bad at this game. She just wanted to go in all those positions that the mole would ideally want to be in to screw the most out of the challenge – Joke’s cliffhanger challenge, sombreros, escape rooms and etc. Well, there’s only one other candidate I’ve put more than 25% of the points so if it’s not them – I really screwed up the Suspect List.
It is a shame they keep getting screwed over with copyright issues (or maybe it is De Mol at work…), surely they aren’t that bothered about a few thousand English viewers wanting to watch?
Anyway I would be surprised now if my new suspect turns out to be wrong, there was some very suspicious commentary.
Theoretical maximum so far is €51,500.
Hey guys, I found this thread on (unofficial dutch forum for WIDM and other shows including De Mol) and in this thread they share downloads to episodes of De Mol, you can check it out here:
Browsing through the thread you can find links not only to episodes of De Mol, but also WIDM and other international versions! They even have downloads to Moltalk and Cafe De Mol! Maybe you guys might find it useful.
Now I’ve caught up, just a late reply to say thanks for this.
I know this would be impossible to pull off… but wouldn’t it be amazing if Pieter was the mole and being a priest was just a cover to throw us off his trail!
When I heard there was a priest on the show, my first thought was that he might be the mole for irony’s sake. But it almost seems too obvious an idea.
Episode 5 is up, so thanks to Natalie for the super fast subtitles this week and don’t worry about the slightly delayed ones last week, we understand on here.
Theme park – it is complicated math while being on a roller coaster – endless opportunities to sabotage and yet nothing really happened. The Mole relaxed a bit, as there was hardly any money coming into the pot since the airport DOND. Nothing really suspicious about Joke’s miscalculation of 2*6 rather than 2^6 – much more casual mistake than Lloyd thinks.
Drive-in theatre – best in the episode. Dramatic and tense. Pieter’s decision after question 4 is absolutely bonkers and yet not mole-ish to me.
Mexican standoff – I feel that it could have had much more impact and had been much more tense if played around the same time of the day as the drive-in challenge. Everything went too carelessly, it looks much more appealing on paper.
Eliminated player – (s)he was my 2nd choice last week when I spread between 3 of them, but now with one eliminated and other absolutely not suspicious this episode, I think I’m done spreading and I’m going all-in. Though Bahador started looking suspicious to me now, even though most recently I gave him 10 points in 2nd episode, it is too late to go for him for me.
I don’t think it’s that bonkers – effectively risking €275 and a comfortable night for a potential €1,200 more (even if he quit after the €400 question that’s still almost a 2-1 return). I think everyone was a bit too cautious, although obviously everyone has different motivations for this particular game.
How much money are you willing to sacrifice for a comfortable night has been a recurring Mole theme over the years and I thought this version of it was really interesting.
Secondly, I think I spotted a hidden clue in the theme park game, so I’ve gone all in on one person.
I would have enjoyed being on the roller coaster!
When Baha and Pascale took a ‘wild guess’ at Pieter and Steve’s number, they should have guessed a number near their own in case they were slightly off – essentially getting two guesses at their number. Didn’t matter ultimately, but still, I think that would have been good strategy. Also I’m genuinely impressed they got two of the numbers right.
Aww, that was a cool way to bring their person from home, and they got an extra 1k out of it too!
This part with the contestants’ loved ones describing them is very sweet. I particularly liked Lloyd’s mum who seemed fond if just the tiniest bit exasperated by him. That’s kinda the impression I get of him too – although he’s probably my favourite of the bunch, I like him a lot. (Although I like Joke a great deal too.. and Baha.. gah, I like them all!) Also, Pascale’s son “demoting” her made me laugh.
Wow, giving the chance to win pasvragen in exchange for not donating to charity is pretty brutal. Actually that task as a whole made me sad, this group seemed to be getting along so well and that just challenged everything. It’s the show, I know, but still a bummer.
Ah, damn. I had Steve as my mole the last couple episodes. It was down to him and one other person for me, so I guess I know who I’m going with, but alas.I liked him a lot, too.
Yeah, I thought money for charity vs desire for survival was quite a horrible moral decision.
I *loved* Film Quiz Chicken though – there’s almost a standalone format there in itself.
It was definitely a curve ball. It would have made the standoff less intense without it though. I really hoped that they all would have chosen the donation. If they were offered a group exemption for it I think they would have all went for it.
Just caught up on episode four and about to watch five. I want to applaud a) the *incredibly dickish* matchstick puzzle and b) Beat the Lift, which was super fun.
The clue I spotted was “achterstand”, which we were told means “delay”, but can also mean “backlog”. I’ll let you work out my suspicion from that.
Quite surprised at this week’s elimination. Another good, albeit slightly quieter episode.
Can’t seem to spot where the episode link is this week?
Watched it with Dutch subs.
Essentially, here’s the breakdown:
The team play three rounds of Wheel of Fortune. Whilst three people try and guess the puzzle, two perform a mini-challenge (guessing the six ingredients in a tortilla they eat blindfolded, identifying three of four songs being played backwards and solving three party tricks) to secure the money. This can earn them up to 5k. They can then nominate one person to play a double-or-nothing final puzzle finding the link between the three previous answers under bonus round WoF rules (picking five consonants and a vowel).
The second game is testing the Mole – everyone is sequestered and brought to Gilles one-at-a-time. They can each pick one of nine punishments to inflict on the others, worth between 100 and 2000 Euros. If everyone endures their punishment for the time limit, the money is won. However, the Mole will not have a punishment (for example, if the others are shown clips from a horror film, they will be shown clips from Bambi) and must act as if they are being punished too.
The final game involves everyone having two hours to herd goats to Gilles, with each goat making it safely being worth 200 euros. Along the way, they can increase their personal hoard of goats by winning challenges – first a goat agility course, where the winner gets four extras, second gets three, third gets two and fourth gets one – and then a tin-can alley where you have to shoot your own coloured cans – each can of yours that is shot is worth another goat. Between the second challenge at the end, there are some cowboys trying to steal the goats.
Everyone gets a dilemma at the end – cash in their goats for 200EUR/goat or move their goat(s) into a different pen. Gilles will place a golden tortilla on a platform, and whoever’s goat eats it wins a vrijstelling.
Was I the only one to remember “La Piste Du Xapathan” watching the goat challenge? Was one of my favourite childhood game shows and it really reminded me of that.
I’m really sad for Joke and I still can’t choose between Lloyd and Pascale. I really thought Joke would be the winner, Pieter the runner-up and one of those two de Mol.
Not that I’ve had chance to watch yet but the E6 English link looks to be up now on the existing DailyMotion clip description
Thanks John, for keeping us posted on when the English subbed versions appear. It has been a great help! And thank you, Natalia, if you’re reading this, for continuing to post the English subs. I know it is a lot of work and effort on your part and I think I speak for everyone who so deeply enjoys watching the show when I offer the sincerest thanks to you for making the English subs possible for those of us who wouldn’t be able to watch the show (or at least understand it) otherwise. Your efforts are greatly, greatly appreciated.
Thought that 1st game was really interesting; a couple of addendums to that description earlier:
-the wheel had 2 each of 25,50,75,100,125,150,175, and 200
-importantly, if the puzzle solvers guessed a consonant that wasn’t in the puzzle, they lost the
value on the wheel – though they could cancel one miss in the three regular rounds (so if the Mole knew the puzzle answers in advance, they could talk the puzzle guessers into picking bad letters)
-vowels cost 50 Euro each.
Not shocked people wanted to go for the exemption with the goats, though am surprised how much of the potential winnings they spent on it..
This is the 2nd time this season someone has done something to help the pot (or at least didn’t help themselves) which ended up biting them in the end…
Watching Wheel of Fortune with the soundtrack of The Price is Right was surprisingly entertaining.
Test the Mole challenge had an interesting premise, and the reactions to the treatments were suspicious for only two people – Lloyd and Pascale, one of whom I’m going all-in ever since the execution of Katrien. That might be total tunnel-vision, but I tried looking at others and everything seemed quite genuine.
Oh no, Joke! I really wanted her to win, she was trying so hard for the group, especially in this episode, with all the wordguessing and sheepherding. It’s just too sad to lose her, and just after she sacrificed her chance for the exemption for the money to the pot. I understand her reasoning, as that would be her 3rd attempt for it, but it’s still just sad.
I liked the Wheel of Fortune challenge a lot. And the group seemed to be working together and getting along, which made me happy.
For the fear challenge, I guess I’m weird that I’d prefer the more expensive and ostensibly harder tasks than some of the cheaper ones. The snake would honestly probably be one of the easiest for me.
That being said, this challenge is a fascinating way of giving the contestants the chance to view the mole. Also, a good chance for a non-mole to try to fake it, too.
haha, I liked Lloyd trying to signal to Baha to choose the snake.
Aw, after the challenge the awkward, tense conversation in the car ruined their camaraderie again.
Gilles is still beautiful.
“The goats are distracted with everything a Mexican goat finds delicious.” God this show is amazing.
They did a surprisingly good job in the chaos with the bandits, and indeed keeping the goats together in general. That went far better than I expected. Although of course immedaitely they lose most of their money, the choices this season have been brutal for the pot.
Also that might be the weirdest way an exemption was ever determined that I’ve seen?
Noooo, Joke. She played so hard. Damn.