Show discussion: One-handed Schlag den Raab

By | December 18, 2010

Well if a punter’s comment is to be believed on tonight’s final Schlag den Raab 2011 Eurovision host Stefan Raab will literally be taking on a contestant single-handedly (because he’s hurt his other one) in defence of the €1m prize.

Look out for Rock Paper Scissors as the all important game 15 if it gets that far. Inevitably.

It’s on from 7:15 UK/8:15 CET, and hopefully there will be a naughty internet stream of it somewhere.

In the meantime, in honour of the sensational super sack of German Television  Stefan Raab’s Eurovision fame let’s link to some of his finest work!

Wadde Hadde Dudde Da? (What have you got there?)

And of course he also wrote the legendary Guildo hat euch lieb! (Guildo loves you!)

Quite amazing.

125 thoughts on “Show discussion: One-handed Schlag den Raab

  1. Greg

    If anybody is looking for some unique Xmas crackers, M&S have reduced their gameshow crackers to £7.50.

    Each set includes a Price is Right game, a Family Fortunes game and a Blankety Blank game as well as the usual cracker tat inside the cracker (hat, joke, gift).

  2. art begotti

    Candidate one is Christian, who appears to be some sort of sports-medicine doctor. He seems to work out on the same equipment he uses for his patients, and also plays Brain Age on his DS. Sounds like a winning combination.

    1. art begotti

      Actually, I’ve just realized how ironic it is that one-handed Raab could face off against a sports-medicine doctor.

  3. art begotti

    Candidate two is Tim, a thirty-year-old junior professor at a university. He makes funny faces when lifting weights and plays soccer when not discussing math and game theory. Oh, and he plays Buzz! We seem to have an underlying games-we-want-for-Christmas theme going on here.

  4. art begotti

    Candidate three is Inga, a “bankkauffrau”, whicn I’m assuming is a banker, and specifically a female one. Not a lot of footage of her dayjob to go off of. She plays with toy blocks with her son, and shot puts stones of moderate weight. She seems to be an extreme sports junkie, between bungee jumping and rock climbing. Seems well-rounded, might be pretty serious competition for Stefan, if there are more physical games (which there likely won’t).

  5. art begotti

    Candidate four is… Matthias! But not that one. He’s a relationship-manager, which luckily is one of those English phrases for which there is no German equivalent. He plays poker and basketball… at the same time! (Sadly, not really.) He also plays at a toy store a lot. Look at his incredible slot car-racing skills. My personal opinion: Not much to see here.

  6. art begotti

    Candidate five is Heiko, who has an occupation I couldn’t copy down quickly enough to translate, but he appears to work in a factory as some sort of quality assurance person. I also missed his age, but he looks like a slightly older bloke (maybe in his 40s), but he’s really big into baseball.

  7. art begotti

    My picks would either be Christian or Inga, with Tim in a close third.

  8. art begotti

    While we go through voting and commercials, a question: One thing I’ve always noticed is that in all of the contestant interviews, there’s always a portion near the end of each bit that uses the same music, sort of a lower-key bit while the contestant says something in a static position. Does anyone know what they’re talking about during this part? Is it their potential weaknesses or something?

  9. David

    It’ll probably be Christian- they won’t pick the female after what happened last time…

  10. art begotti

    And the winner, with a large chunk of the votes is… Heiko!

    And for the record:
    2. Inga
    3. Christian
    4. Tim
    5. Matthias

  11. Anonymous

    Voting is over! (It always seems that a vast majority of the audience picks the eventual contestant.) The winner is Heiko!

  12. art begotti

    Just for the heck of it, I’m going to predict Stefan will win after game 13.

  13. art begotti

    Rules, introductions, and a trip to the podia for a glass of water, and our first game is…

    Kerzenlaufen. Crap, why do they always pick the hard German names?

    Two wooden podia with candles have brought on the stage. There are larger candles at the other end of the stage. My guess is they have to race to light their candle first.

  14. Anonymous

    Game 1 is called Kerzenlaufen: Running with candles. Each player has a candlestick with a lit candle. The object seems to be to race from one side of the stage to the other. And Heiko wins it!

  15. art begotti

    Nope, my bad, just a point around the end of the set to make a turn around. Heiko slaps his candle on the counter about a third of a second before Stefan. 1-0 Heiko.

    Game 2: Sortieren. Looks to be a game at the podium. It looks like a game of putting things in some order, first to five points.

  16. art begotti

    I should mention that this game is played with the touch screens, with the first to finish their list automatically buzzing in.

  17. art begotti

    After the third question which just had the numbers 1-6, I think I realized that it’s all just alphabetical order. There’s a bit of comedy here with Stefan consistenly losing to Heiko, and by small margins, prompting humorous reactions. Heiko blows the fifth list to give Stefan a point, but takes the sixth list. 3-0 Heiko.

  18. Anonymous

    It seems to be alphabetical order to me. Heiko finds this game as easy as A-B-C, winning it 5-1. He now takes a 3-0 lead into game 3: Malen (Painting).

  19. art begotti

    Game 3 is Malen. The side set is opening to reveal… painting supplies and easels. This could be fun.

  20. SS

    Ok, painting (mit Links) during the commercial break, the viewers will determine who wins

    1. SS

      Painting a christmas tree, btw, and it should not be clear who painted it (no names, though a baseball bat on the tree would be allowed (I think). Ofcourse, Raab could paint one himself then on his tree…

  21. Anonymous

    The Christmas tree on the left is much more detailed than the one on the right. We see through a time-lapse replay that Heiko painted it, and if there’s any justice in the world, he ought to win this contest.

  22. art begotti

    Ooh, I do love the time lapse of the paintings, as it’s obvious Stefan stopped way before Heiko.

    I took a screenshot of the two paintings, uploading them now.

  23. Anonymous

    And he does in a landslide! I’m surprised Stefan’s tree got 13% of the vote!

    1. Anonymous

      Each game is to 11 points, but you must win by two. Best two games out of three takes it.

  24. art begotti

    It appears both players are using their left hands, presumably their non-dominant hands. That would actually be problematic for me, because I tend to switch hands a lot.

    First set to Heiko.

  25. art begotti

    I’m rubbish at tennis terminology, but it looks like Stefan is using a lot of backhand hits, and seems to be having a hard time keeping it on the table because of it.

    Heiko wins the second set.
    11-2, 11-5.

    Overall score is now 10-0 Heiko.

  26. art begotti

    Game 5 Karten Pusten – Cards blow. A deck of playing cards is on top of a bottle, I’m guessing they have to blow at least one card off each turn, without making the entire stack topple.

  27. art begotti

    Okay, so yeah, it’s what I thought. They have 30 seconds to blow off at least one card, blowing the entire deck or running out of time gives the point to your opponent. Best of 5.

  28. Anonymous

    Game 5: Karten Pusten. If you’ve never watched “Minute to Win It”, they sometimes play a stunt called “Don’t Blow the Joker”. There’s a deck of cards on a bottle, and the players take turns trying to blow as many cards off the top of the deck as they want, taking care not to blow off the Joker at the bottom. If someone does blow the Joker off, that’s a point for his opponent. The first to 3 points wins.

  29. David

    Minute to Win It has something similar to this- there they have to blow all the cards off except the Joker at the bottom of the deck..

    1. art begotti

      Isn’t there a German Minute to Win It? Die Perfekte Minuten or something like that? Would this have been used on there?

      1. David

        I wonder if we’ll end up going from one extreme to the other- I know Stephan is hurt, but still…

  30. art begotti

    Second deck takes WAY longer and almost makes it to the bottom of the deck before Stefan blows the stack off. 2-0 for Heiko now.

  31. art begotti

    Game six is… that trivia one I can never spell and subsequently never try!

  32. Anonymous

    A correct buzz-in answer earns a point. A miss gives your opponent a point AND a chance to steal another point with a correct answer. First to 7 wins.

  33. art begotti

    Heiko seems to buzz in to guess a lot, even when he doesn’t have to. Stefan’s leading 3-1 right now, but Heiko’s the only one to have buzzed in.

  34. Anonymous

    Stefan’s leading the game 5-1, so he may just get off the schneid here.

  35. art begotti

    And Stefan kicks into gear and finishes 7-2 on Heiko’s fault.

    15-6 Heiko.

  36. art begotti

    Game 7 is Passen. Google Translate suggests “fit”, but we’ll have to go to a commercial before we find out what it really means.

  37. Anonymous

    Game 7 is Passen, which means “Pass”, and that’s what I’d say if asked how this game works. We’ll find out after the break.


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