Show Discussion: 99 to Beat

By | March 22, 2025

Saturdays, 6pm,

100 people in a warehouse play silly games guided by Adam and Ryan Thomas. You don’t have to be any good at any of them, but importantly you must not come last in any of them or be eliminated, the last one standing wins at the end of the series wins a whopping £25,000.

This has been around Europe for a number of years, beginning as a daily segment on a Flemish show, really taking off in the Netherlands as De Alleskunner (The All Rounder), this became a surprise German Summer hit, and it looks like it’s the German show this has taken the visual inspiration from – whereas the Dutch feels like its set in a light and bright community centre, this is a large dark warehouse with a big lighting gantry. As such I think the 6pm slot feels too early for the show’s look (also it’s up against Gladiators which feels like a hiding to nothing), although it’s a big bunch of silly so they can’t put it too late either.

FOTB Tom F (and contestant on the show) is writing a series of blog pieces explaining the show’s appeal (here’s a direct link to the latest one) which is well worth a read, and a few series of the Dutch show are up on Youtube if you want something to compare it to (and it’s a pretty easy to follow watch even without subs). Watched it? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Show Discussion: Last One Laughing UK

By | March 20, 2025

Amazon Video from 20th March

Jimmy Carr invites a fairly stacked line-up of UK comedians into a room and challenges them to make each other laugh whilst not laughing themselves or risk elimination. The last one left is the winner.

The Documental format has been a worldwide streaming success across the last decade, it’s surprising that it’s taken this long for the UK to get a version – there’s even previously been an Irish version with Graham Norton. But does it work here? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Life’s Game

By | March 18, 2025

Whilst we wait with bated breath for Genius Game to land, it transpires there’s a corporate knock-off currently being uploaded to Youtube and it’s… pretty good? Life’s Game is LG Electronics’ very own take on the The Genius brain-survival genre, in it, 12 LG employees compete in games of strategy and intelligences social and logical set by a man with a key for an eye for some reason. Ultimate winner takes home 10m Won (just over £5,000). They’ve set it in various offices around one of their main buildings, so it doesn’t have the glamour of its inspo, but it hits a lot of the other beats – perhaps the rules explanations need to be tighter and really 2×45 minute eps for a cycle is a bit lengthier than you’d like, but they’re good games in the main and it’s got decently fun reveals. Because the winner of each game gets more power over who to send home, ahem, there’s a bit more emphasis on kingmaking and not being on the wrong side of a divide and we’ll have to see how that develops going forward.

First four episodes are up, we’re probably due the next in a few days – it seems to be on a twice a week cycle. Would recommend watching on a computer or a TV over a tablet or phone as it uses Youtube’s captionings for English subs, and there’s a risk they’ll go over the explanation graphics on smaller screens. We are casually following it in #geniuschat on the Discord at the moment (well I am anyway).

Here are some things to get excited about – or not! In the next week or so.

By | March 16, 2025

Mainly a list for me as I’ve been out of action for the last four days or so (without going into details it has so far involved an overnight Hospital visit and now my electronic scales don’t recognise me and will involve a camera in the next few days) but Likely Of Interest to you as well:

  • De Mol in Thailand officially starts next week on Sunday 23rd on Flanders’ Play4, but I believe the contestants are getting revealed on a special Club De Mol tonight. For all De Mol chat I direct you to #molchat in the Discord, which is where any English subs will likely turn up.
  • Jeopardy! UK series 2 starts tomorrow (Monday) at the new time of 3pm. The first series was very dull. A clip going around suggests the new series might be a bit more… kinetic? They’ve got a buzzer sound anyway. Also a seventh category for each board and Paul Farrer music beds. It’s more stuff, but is it more stodge? Discussion post is here, you might as well use it.
  • Last One Laughing UK starts on Amazon Prime on Thursday. Jimmy Carr challenges a fairly stacked cast of comics to stay in a room and not laugh. Amazed it’s taken this long for the Documental format to happen here given previous international success really. A Show Discussion post will go up in due course.
  • 99 to Beat starts Saturday at 6pm on ITV1, ten minutes into the first Gladiators semi-final which feels like absolutely nonsense scheduling. We’ll see how that works out for everybody, they’ll be a Show Discussion post in due course. FOTB Tom F (who is also a contestant) is writing some brilliant pieces about the Dutch show that’s been running for ages, and the Flemish original, on his blog.
  • Joko and Klaas’ Ein sehr gutes Quiz (mit hoher Gewinnsumme) (A Very Good Quiz (With A Very High Prize)) starts a four episode run next Saturday night as well on Pro7 and we’ll probably watch the first one in the Discord but I’m not committing to more than that as there are too many lengthy German quizzes flying about and I like to do other things occasionally. This was successfully piloted as part of J and K’s Pro7 24-hour takeover day and it looks like it’s going to keep lots of the same things – it’s live, it will travel the country, they won’t reveal the location until the morning of the show, people can turn up and audition that afternoon. Premise: three people work as a team answering multiple choice questions, but one person must buzz and be responsible for the answer. If they’re right, the team carries on. If they’re wrong, they’ve eliminated themselves and get replaced by the next person in the queue. Nobody buzzes in after 90 seconds? All three are replaced. Whoever buzzes in with the correct answer for Q25 wins €100,000. LIVE.
  • Stretching the definition of “in the next week or so” Million Dollar Secret with Peter Serafinowicz starts on Netflix Wednesday 26th, looks like an amalgam of lots of different shows but despite that also looks like it might be quite fun.

Show Discussion: Chess Masters: The Endgame

By | March 8, 2025

Mondays, 8pm,

This is a big swing (they’ve put it in the Only Connect slot, BBC2’s highest rating slot of the week) and I’m here for it, but they’re already doing things that on paper seem more amateur than Grandmaster. I mean look at that subtitle! Is this the first or last series?

Sue Perkins invites 12 players from across the nation to compete in this tournament of sorts involving chess puzzles, with the worst/best (we don’t know the format yet) players competing in a speed chess game at the end with the loser getting eliminated (presumably). Also lots of chess games end in draws, so how are they going to model that here? In a move that feels like an absolutely crazy compromise, we’ll be getting the highlights of these speed chess games and you’ll be able to watch the games in full on iPlayer afterwards although how many casuals are going to bother to do this knowing the result is certainly a question mark. Experts David Howell and Anthony Mathurin (who you may recognise from series one of The Traitors) are on hand to commentate and guide us through it.

On paper it really feels like they’re trying to cram in a lot in 28 minutes – if there’s a show that could fill a 60 minute slot without a great deal of extra expense this feels like it. I was always a bit rubbish at chess, but I used to enjoy the Short vs Kasperov series on Channel 4 about 30 years ago so it’s not like this can’t work. Watched it? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Is this the largest collection of celebrities in a single gameshow of all time?

By | March 4, 2025

The ITV Spring brochure is out and Genius Game is in it, so that’s finally coming out, and we think 99 to Beat is starting soon. There’s no sign of Fortune Hotel 2 (the first one went out in May) so presumably that’s going out at a later date. But something picked up on is that there’s going to be a The 1% Club Soccer Aid Special, and it will have 100 celebrities in it.

This unique edition of the show sees 100 famous faces pushing their logic and common sense to the max – contestants looking to make it into the prestigious 1% Club include Paddy McGuinness, Tommy Fury, Jill Scott, Max Whitlock, Mark Pougatch, Kimberley Wyatt, Jake Quickenden, Iain Stirling, Gemma Atkinson, Mark Chapman, Neil Ruddock, Tony Bellew, Brian McFadden, Amber Gill, AITCH, and many, many more.

Can any show beat that?